Chapter 14

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I tried not to look at the package that Jim left a few days ago. I didn't want to know what was in it, nor did I care. It wasn't that I hated him anymore, it was just the fact that I hated everyone. I had no one to trust. My parents were not actually my parents. My boyfriend was hired to play the role of my boyfriend. My life was a lie. My life was a joke, a storyline. Hell, it could have even been a movie. It was not the life I wanted to live.

I couldn't stop myself from going over to the package, it was hard enough having Jim drop it off for me. I unfolded the paper that he placed on top of the box. He wrote across the top of the page:

"Here Annie, I just thought you should know exactly what will happen to you in the next few months. Just so you're not surprised:

Dear Mr. Darringer,

I have received word that you have found a missing girl. She has not contacted me, nor have I her. I will go to federal police if you do not return her to her rightful family. Myself and the rest of your recruits will not stand for any misbehavior when it comes to things like this. It's time you've paid for your crimes, Robert. It's over. We've planned to find Molly and where you've kept her for the past 13 years. Her family is done searching, we've contacted them. They know about what you did to all of the others too. Don't worry, Rob. It'll be over before you know it.

Grant Reilly, Minnesota Recruit.

Thought you should know about this. They're coming for you, Annie. Also, if you want to live, I'd open the box. "

My head was pounding. I guess getting hit with some object does have it's consequences. I was getting more and more information the longer I was held captive down in this basement, I couldn't give up because my head hurt. I'm not a pussy. I tore open the box that was underneath the letter exposing Robert for everything he'd done. My birth parents even know about Robert's crimes now, and they're looking for me. The box contained an even smaller box at the bottom. I grabbed it, and I just held it. I didn't want to look inside.

The anticipation was killing me inside. I wanted to hold back. I didn't want to live this particular life anymore. I was just another missing girl. That's all I ever was. All I ever will be. The police would solve my case lickety-split and everything would turn out okay. I would get married and get a job and lead on a normal life. Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

I couldn't take it any longer. I sat there just staring at the box for a little over five minutes before gaining all the possible confidence I had. I knew this would not be a good present to receive. I slowly pulled off the lid, separating the small box into two smaller pieces.

"Oh my God." This couldn't be possible. Well, it could be, but holy shit no. I'm in high school. This should not have happened. I hated Jim. I hated him. Not for making me fall in love anymore, not for teaching me how to love anymore.

There it was. A pregnancy test.

Of course this was his plan. I'm sure he'd done it before. Making girls believe that he loves them and then has sex with them. Of course. I'm such an idiot. Why would I ever believe that he actually loved me? I shouldn't have. I should have just led on with my life. But, my life had turned into an absolute nightmare. I found out I was a missing child, I was being held captive in my own basement, and now I was alone with no one to help. What the hell am I going to do to fix this? Is there anything I can do?

This shouldn't be happening. I can't live with a baby, especially not Jim's. This is too much. Way too much.


I passed out right after that. I am now currently upstairs in my old room. The door is locked, obviously. There's a warm washcloth on my head and a gray bucket, which I'm assuming is for vomit, is next to my bed. My room was pretty now that I think of it, and my queen-sized bed felt so comfortable. I missed it so much.

My room was painted all white, and it was lined with turquoise blue accents. My bed was still in the middle of the room, topped with a white comforter and six blackish/blue pillows. My closet was closed, but I could still see my clothes spilling over underneath. The doors were mirrors, so I could see how I looked in them. I looked like I was dead. There were bags under my eyes, cuts on my wrists from the rope, and a gigantic bruise on the side of my head from when Robert first hit me and knocked me unconcious. And to think, the one thing that led to all of this chaos was just me going downstairs into the basement to get Christmas ornaments.

I still don't know who was following me while I was walking home from school a few months ago. I'm assuming that it was one of Robert's collegues, but you can never be sure in this world I guess. It sucks really, to think that everyone loves you and that you can trust everyone.

I guess it just doesn't work that way.

There was a knock at my door a few minutes after my self-absorbed, "I miss my room" speech. A woman called from the outside, "Annie? Are you awake?" I knew that I should reply, but I couldn't. I miss Jim, and I miss being cared for.
"Yes, I'm awake. The door is locked though."
I heard a click and there she was. My mom, or should I say, Olivia.

"How are you? I carried you up here last night if you were wondering. "

I wanted to snap. I wanted to yell and scream at her. But I also wanted to hug her and have her hold me. She just sat there. She kept looking down at her hands, which seemed a little bruised on the knuckles, and then back up at me. She looked tired. She looked sad. It may have been heartbreaking for the average person, but since I have no feelings at all anymore, I didn't care. I didn't need to. She manipulated me, and she doesn't deserve any sympathy. Especially not from me.

She opened her mouth again, "I'm so.. I just.. I.." Well, here comes the waterworks. Once she started, she couldn't stop. It was awful to watch. "I'm so sorry, Annie."

I doubt that I would ever accept her apology or any of her other bullshit, but she did seem like she was struggling to stay alive too. And she brought me up here, laid me on my bed, and brought me a warm washcloth to put on my forehead. I'm pretty sure that Rob wouldn't have approved of that happening any day.

She got up and started for the door. "Wait. " I was too weak for it all, I needed her. "What, honey?" She came over to me and put her hand on top of mine, "I know you're feeling sick, but I can't really help that. I can get you so-"

"Liv, what are you doing in here?" Jim practically ran over to the bed, "And why is she in here?" He looked at me as if I was a lost puppy. I was scared, yet weak. I was tired, yet sleepless. I was sad, yet uttered no cry. What more would I have to lose before he realizes that I'm the spitting image of death? "She passed out yesterday morning, I brought her up here when I went to check on her. You can take it from here, Jim. Make sure Rob doesn't come in, she's too weak to even bear the sight of him." She was right, I was too weak to bear the sight of Robert, but I couldn't bear Jim either. I just closed my eyes, felt his hands moving around my waist, and I fell asleep in Jim's arms once again, just like before all of this twisted shit happened.

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