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hope you enjoy this one.

I: Having fun with Lady Gaga? (sent 1h46am)

Bradley sighs as he reads the message on his phone notification. He knew that even from afar Irina would piss him off.

B: Babe, not now. Please, it's late and I'm tired. How are you and Lea? (sent 1h48am)

He throws himself on the couch, loosening his tie. Irina sends a picture of Lea asleep wrapped in a blanket and sucking her thumb. Bradley smiles just as he sees the picture.

I: She misses you (sent 1h52am)

I: But it seems that you only care about Stefani now (sent 1h52am)

Here she comes again, Bradley thinks rolling his eyes.

B: Irina, it's not like that. You decided to travel and take her with you, don't put Stefani in the middle of the three of us. She has nothing to do with us. (sent 1h52am)

Bradley's phone buzzes again and now it's not a message from his girlfriend, but from someone else who makes him cheer up.

S: Hey, Mr. Handsome. I'm here to wish you a good night and thank you once again for fighting for me. I'm living the life of my dreams and I couldn't have it without you <3 (sent 1:53 am)

B: Can I call you? (sent 1:53 am)

At home, Stefani feels her heart race. She cuddles up on the couch and smiles sadly at the screen, just like a 15-year-old girl knowing her heart will be broken.

S: Of course you can (sent 1h53am)

Bradley smiles again. He clicks her number and start calling.

"Hey," Stefani whispers, smiling.

"Why are we whispering?" Bradley follows her.

"Christian is upstairs and I don't want him to listen to us" she replies without even thinking twice, but soon sees the need to fix herself. "I mean... he's been very jealous lately because of both of us ..."

"Yes, I understand. Irina is the same way and I hardly can't deal with her anymore." They both sigh, silent. "But... how are you feeling? Did you enjoy the night? I just want to hear you talk. Your voice soothes me."

Stefani's body warms, but she soon dispels that feeling.

"Oh, B, I loved it! It was perfect, I wish this season would never end. It's so good to be surrounded by you, Sam and everyone of the cast. You guys warm my heart every time we meet, it's really like a dream." She giggles.

"I feel the same way about you. I don't want it to end ..." Bradley leans back on the couch and closes his eyes, listening to Stefani's breath through the phone. What will happen to them both after the season is over on Oscar night? Bradley was afraid of losing her, especially now that the event was so close. He felt so stupid thinking of possibilities to keep her around, possibilities of being happy with her when he knows this wasn't possible.

"Brad, we're not doing anything wrong, are we?" Gaga whispers after a while.

"What do you mean?" He opens his eyes, staring at the ceiling. The question takes Stefani by surprise. She expected an answer, not a question she would have to explain herself.

"Hm... I mean... I... well, you said Irina is jealous, right? And Christian is the same way, and now I'm here whispering like I need to hide something..."

"Stef, what are you exactly trying to say?"

"What we do at events and red carpets is just acting, isn't it? All those touches and glances..." She asks at once, getting lost in her words, now too scared of the answer she could get. She was already sad because she felt she no longer loved Christian and could end her own engagement, but now she would have to deal with another truth.

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