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Hi guys, sorry for being so inactive lately. I've been very busy BUT I also worked a lot on this chapter and the next one. So, I hope you like it <3 and pleeease don't forget to leave a comment :)


Bradley takes Stefani's hand with Irina between them. Bradley had hated having to do this in front of his girlfriend and put her in that place, but she seemed happy enough to mess up the "new Hollywood couple". In rehearsals, Bobby came up with the idea of putting Irina between Bradley and Gaga while the murmurs of a possible affair were in every tabloid.

"Why are you so mad about it?" Irina asks when they finally get home after their last rehearsal. "You're just going to sing, it's not a big deal being between you two."

"It's just not how I imagined it would be... I can't believe we're doing such a thing because of some fucking rumours." He shakes his head and straightens his hair.

"Of course. You guys who started walking like a couple at the events and now have to deal with all the consequences." Irina drops her bag on the nearest table, takes off her glasses and goes into the kitchen, continuing to talk. "Maybe that way you can see how much your friendship with Stefani is hurting me, and how annoying it is to see the media speculating all the time about an affair between you two."

Bradley takes a deep breath and follows her, almost crawling on the floor tiredly. Listening to it from his girlfriend was very difficult, especially now that he was sure he liked Stefani and it was reciprocal.

"Sorry. I didn't imagine that would take such a large proportion." He says truthfully, thinking of a way out of that situation without hurting anyone.

"It's so disrespectful, love." Irina stares at him and lowers her head letting her short hair cover her face. Bradley hears her heavy breathing but she doesn't cry. She is as tired as he is. "I feel like I don't have my girlfriend space by your side anymore. It's always about Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born, Shallow, and how much you both have an amazing chemistry."

She braces herself against the kitchen counter and looks back at him. She started talking, so she would finish.

"You always said it was a deal and you'd build a image of the most perfect couple just to make people go watch the movie, but is it really necessary to say that you fell in love with her at first sight or that you're soul mates?" Irina sobs and her eyes fill with tears. The last thing she wanted to do was cry in front of him. She didn't want to look weak. "And what about me, Bradley? I'm right here having to listen and joke all day about a possible betrayal involving my boyfriend... For God's sake, we have a child... What will she think when she grows up?" She turns her back on him, wiping the tears on her hands.

Bradley's heart weighs, he takes a deep breath and touches her elbow, pulling her gently close to him. But he doesn't know what to say. He's wrong, he knows that, but how can he fix all this mess?

And there he was singing with Lady Gaga in front of her. Bradley couldn't avoid the nervousness. He had never sung live for television and an audience as important as that. But he was with Stefani, and there on stage, every time their eyes met he felt safe. He knew Gaga was there to help him and trusted his work.

The performance was a success. Stefani wants to cry, excitement overwhelms her as she and Bradley hug and listen to the cheering audience.

"You did it!" She laughs in his ear. "I'm so proud of you, B!"

Bradley stares at Irina who applauds with a big smile on her face. He expects her to be proud of him too.

"It was wonderful!" He laughs too. "I couldn't do it without you." They rush backstage, where Stefani can see that now he could be himself, without the eyes of Irina and the whole world looking at them. He pulls her to kiss her on the forehead. "I'm sorry."

Gaga gets serious and stares at him.

"For what?" His hand warms her lower back. Stefani puts her hand on his chest, waiting for an answer. His heart was calm.

"For putting us in the middle of this mess. I don't know what I'm doing anymore." He lowers his voice and for a moment feels distressed.

"Hey, we're not going to talk about this now, okay?" Stefani also speaks softly, close to his face. It was dangerous to talk about the two of them there among so many people. "You said yourself that we'll be able to solve everything with time, right?" She lets out a hopeful smile and Bradley stares at her lips. She was too much for him, was the only thing he could think of.

"Right." He responds by returning the smile.

"Hey, I'll make some lunch at home tomorrow to celebrate the Oscar I won... you know, Mark's idea. Consider yourself invited, Mr. Cooper." Gaga smiles while she walks with playful fingers on Bradley's shoulder.

"Ah, great. That will be right after your interview with Jimmy Kimmel, isn't it?"

"Yes! I hope to get home and meet you there, I don't take no for an answer. We have to celebrate our baby." She holds the Oscar with love. "You know, this is yours too... And oh, Irina and Lea are also invited. "

Bradley sees Natali approach them and smiles at the singer.

"You're so cute. Take good care of our child. See you tomorrow then... I have to go home." He kisses her cheek and says goodbye to Natali.

"He's down for you and can't even disguise it." Natali clicks her lips.

"Everyone has noticed that." Stefani retorts, rolling her eyes. Natali knew her sister and Bradley were in love, and she did nothing but support her choices, even though she didn't agree with what they were doing. She knew all of that could end in a big mess.

Gaga gets in the car, excited to return home to meet her friends.

"Thank you for helping me with this interview." Bobby says smiling next to her. "I hope the media understands that you and Bradley are not in love."

"I'm a great actress, you know?" She smiles back. "I needed to do that too." Stefani comments thoughtfully.

"What's happening?" Bobby notices her friend's concern.

"I don't know. Bradley's a little weird, but I kind of understand him... I mean, he didn't break up with Irina yet and I don't know if he's doing this because he still loves her or because of Lea."

"Give him more time. There must be so much on his mind lately. Just as it's not being easy for you, it's not being for him who has a family and everyone is saying that you can be his affair. Imagine if he break up with Irina now, what could happen? You would surely be accused of being the pivot of the split and that could mess up your image again. "

Gaga takes a deep breath and tries to relax in the backseat of the car while waiting to get home, thinking of endless things at once, and all of them being about Bradley Cooper.

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