I love yous

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hey!!!1 this chapter is a little big, bc you guys inspired me so here it is :)

please don't forget to comment on what you think. I love reading your reactions hehehe


"I'm gonna collapse."

"Okay. Where are you and who are you with? I'll call the medical team now." Bobby suddenly seemed in a hurry as he spoke on the phone.

"I'm home alone." Gaga responds massaging her face in tears. "Please Bobby, hurry. I'll leave the door open."

Bobby turns off his phone and Stefani just has the strength to grab a glass of water and go upstairs to her room, where she can finally let a sad noise out from her throat, letting more tears come. So many things were coming to her mind at that moment, but the pain that was beginning to grow was stronger. God, make it stop, I'm begging you. She thinks burying her face in the pillow after taking off all her clothes and screaming in pain. Is Christian right? Does Bradley really look at me like he's in love? And I never realized it? Did I break up with Chris over Bradley? Ahh, it hurts.

Gaga hears noises downstairs but has no strength but to moan, the pain that was in her face now radiating to her arms and back.

"Honey?" Sarah is there and Gaga hears her hurried footsteps on the stairs. "God, Stef. Hi, I'm here." Sarah rushes across the room, closing the curtains and covering the singer's naked body with a blanket. Stefani couldn't say nothing. "It's going to be okay. Bobby told me you were having a crisis and I came by to help you. The doctors are already coming..."

"Sarah, he's gone... I don't do anything right... I'll never be happy." Stefani hiccups a few sentences.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Sarah asks affectionately going to the bathroom and coming back with some medicine in hand. The singer's closest friends already knew very well how to deal with her at those times.

"There's so much on my mind this week. The fact is I don't think my engagement was working anymore, you know... I don't know if my love for Christian has faded or I'm in love with someone else. Earlier I tried to talk to Chris about it and we broke up..." She pauses to take her medicine. Sarah sits next to her. "That's what I wanted. I wanted it to end, but Sarah, the only thing he could talk was about Bradley like he had something to do with both of us. He was all oh but you don't see how much Cooper is obsessed with you?" She sighs still crying. "I just wanted to get all these things off my mind for now."

"Shhh, it's okay baby" Sarah holds her friend's hand. "You're worrying about something that isn't even worth it. Everyone sees the way Bradley looks at you but you can't do anything about it..."

"You too? Oh my God!" Stefani rolls over in bed.

"No, no! I don't want to discuss this with you Stef, but can I tell you something?" Sarah strokes Gaga's hair. "When we were making the movie everybody noticed you two together, it was very cute, like you were teenagers in love for the first time. You two were fire all the time and the whole crew couldn't take their eyes off of you. It was something very beautiful to look at. Your smile, Stef, that was the most natural thing I ever saw in you when you were with him... So, if Christian was so jealous, I think he was a little bit right."

Stefani listens to those words and stares at the makeup artist.

"Is it my fault?"

"Of course not, I would be jealous too, that's understandable. You were just working and that's how you deal with each other... But... You and Bradley didn't cross any line, right?"

"Sarah, he doesn't even like me." The answer makes Sarah smile.

"So you like him? What makes you think he doesn't like you?"

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