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//This first chapter is kinda boring but it sets the scene so I have to put it in. It gets more exciting I promise//

As I tie up my combat boots I think back on the last 2 years of my life. At first I was like any other soldier but quickly moved up the ranks when the generals noticed my potential. Strong, smart and strict are what I like to think of my way of leading is like.

Some people fear me. Some respect me. But one thing everyone does is follow my instructions. Not many people get on my bad side but when they do, I have the power to ruin their career. I try and contain my anger but when a cocky recruit turns up and tries to intimidate me, I can't help but unleash my emotions.

It's the day before the dreaded new recruits join and I'm walking around the campsite checking everything is ready. I watch as my 10 corporals are completing various tasks such as checking stock, cleaning equipment and accepting the food deliveries. In theory they are my right hand men but in reality they are more like close friends to me. Corporal number 1 is like the second in command around here and takes my position if for some reason I am off site. However when I am present, we are like siblings who mess around when no one is watching, having petty arguments and making stupid bets to win extra food or money.

I call for him and pull him away from checking the stock in the process of being put away by some of the other workers. he paces over being careful not to trip over the equipment and stops i front of me. 'I'm going to my room now, but make sure tomorrow that the recruits are lined up in the meeting room at 7am. Other then that everyone's duties for today are complete so spread the word that they are free to relax.' I say this while fixing his collar in a casual manor because I'm not strict with him like I am with some of the others. He smiles back, nods and goes off, never forgetting a sarcastic 'yes ma'am!' God I will murder that boy sooner or later.

I make my way to my room and enter into the sturdy wooden structure. It's more of a hut then anything and is just a little bigger then the soon to arrive recruits' rooms. I have a heater unlike them for when it gets cold at night. I quickly check my small bathroom and laptop which I use to keep in contact with head quarters. I also check inside the 'medical room' which is connected to my hut. I am head first aider so it makes sense for it to be near me. I can imagine the amount of hospital trips needed if I let corporal 1 be a first aider. Everything is in place so I take a shower and put some more comfy clothes on. I check quickly that the storage room under my room is locked and go to sleep after watching some Netflix on the tiny laptop screen.

'Good luck for tomorrow' I message popped up on the screen from HQ. 'And try not to kill anyone Y/N'.
'What ever you say Kai' I message back before switching off the screen.

It was kind of hard to get to rest my excited mind. I always get a rush from seeing the new recruits's scared faces and I have a feeling this lot are going to be interesting to say the least...

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