Leathal Laser tag

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Everyone grabs their weapon of choice and me and corporal 1 choose our team mates. I pick all 7 of the band members and some others I think have potential. We all talk for a bit about tactics and head off to the start. The buzzer goes and we all have 2 minutes to find cover before we can start to shoot. I sprint to a collapsed tree and get ready in anticipation for the game. Before the 2 minutes end, I see Namjoon panicking because he can't find a spot. I quickly whistle to get his attention and he comes running over and ducks down. I laugh at his nervousness and the 2 minutes buzzer goes off. I hear shooting coming from everywhere and spot some people on the other team. I hit a few of them and they groan because they are out so soon. Me and Namjoon make our way around eliminating quite a few opponents and I see on my phone there are 5 left on the other team and 8 including me on mine. I can't tell exactly who is still remaining but I know at least a few are the BTS members.

We carry on wondering around looking for the 5 and suddenly I feel my wrist being grabbed and pulled with a hand over my mouth. Namjoon runs away to take cover and I see that it was Jin who had pulled me aside. He quickly warned me 'Be careful! I over heard the other team and one of them is using a real gun. They were sent here to kill you and they are planning to make a move now.' I nod and hug him quickly as a thanks.

We both carry on the search and suddenly spot the other team members. We begin to shoot but suddenly I feel a push against my abdomen. I look down. There is so much blood. I grit my teeth, grab my real gun and kill the man who shot me. I lean back on a tree and see Jin turn around. His face looked horrified. 'F*ck!' He exclaims lifting me up off the ground as I hold onto my stomach. I feel the rush of pain kick in and can't help but yelp out. Jin is running back to base, holding me tightly while the buzzer goes off to show the end of the game.

Everyone watches on as me and Jin return covered in blood. 'Ahhhhhhh for f*ck sake' I shout in pain. Everyone moves out the way and Jin places me on the ground. I'm so glad he knows first aid like me. He takes off his T-shirt and uses it to apply pressure on my wound. I can feel the colour fade from my face as the other 6 band members crowd to comfort me. Tae is supporting my head and tucking my hair behind my ear. ' *coughing up a little blood* you have to take me to the medical block by my room.' I say weakly. Jungkook picks me up and all the band members follow as he speeds towards the room...

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