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I kick out the five eliminated recruits and send Baekhyun home, leaving just me and Jungkook. 'What the hell was that?' I ask firmly. 'I..I just got angry *steps closer*. He was acting like you were his-... never mind just forget it.' He stutters. Before he can turn away I grab his wrist and pull him closer to face me. 'You need to be careful with how you present your emotions Jungkook. The next task really will test you. It's very psychological and will get in your head. I know you care about me more then you should but don't let it show. It's very dangerous for anyone to get close to me. I have a lot of enemies. So... just... watch out... ok?!' He nods.

We walk back to the campsite where dinner is ready. It's now Jimin's turn to look after me and he is constantly smiling and staring at my face. His reaction changes quickly when he notices something. 'Hey, you look really pale. Are you ok?' I begin to feel a little dizzy and he places the back of his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. 'You're burning up a bit. I think I should take you to your room.' He helps me stand up and my vision starts to blur. We slowly make our way to my room and he lays me down.

'I'm gonna get Jin. He'll know what's happening.' He runs off and returns quickly. 'He is just coming. You'll be ok!' He holds my hand as I don't have the energy to reply. Jin finally arrives and rushes in. All the others have also joined because they over heard Jimin speaking to Jin.

Jin runs up to me and looks at my eyes, feels my temperature and checks my pulse. 'Somethings very wrong, her pulse is a lot slower then it should be. Namjoon quickly rushes into the medical room, following Jin's orders and grabs the oxygen kit. He returns and places the mask on my face. I weakly hold Jungkook and Yoongi's hand. Jhope helps Jin lift up my top and take the bandages off. 'Wow that's infected!' I hear blurt out of Jhope's mouth. Jungkook still looks very agitated towards him.

I quietly mumble 'I'm gonna throw up.' Tae rushes to the medical room and brings back a bucket. He passes it to me and I quickly sit up, pulling my mask off. I throw up what felt like my liquified organs. It was pure blood and I look up in a panic at the 7 guys. They are all touching me in some way to comfort me and all stare in shook...

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