Fixing Me Up

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I can hear corporal telling everyone to return to their rooms and await further instructions. Jimin is holding my hand as I am placed on the bed. I know the guys won't have the guts to, so I lift my top up swiftly and point to a box in the corner. Namjoon quickly grabs it and gives it to me. I pull out the surgical knife and tweezers and turn to Yoongi. 'Take the bullet out' I say tearing up slightly. He looks scared but nods in agreement and takes the tools. Tae quickly cleans them with alcohol and Yoongi starts. I squeeze Namjoon and Jungkook's hand as I feel the cold tools pierce my skin more.

Yoongi stops when he sees how much pain I'm in. 'Isn't there morphine or something that we can give her!' He almost shouts while squinting as if he can't bare to see me in pain. Jimin looks around and finds a bottle labelled morphine and grabs a syringe. I nod and look away before he administers the drug. I feel quite a lot better suddenly and nod to Yoongi to carry on as the drug washes over my body.

20 minutes of jabbing, pulling and me screaming slightly pass and finally the bullet is out. I sigh and let a tear fall down my cheek. Jin quickly wipes it away and holds my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. He moves away and grabs a clean cloth and a bottle of spirits. 'This is gonna sting... a lot... so I think you guys better pin her down a little.' They look at me as if asking for permission and I nod.

My whole body screams and tries to break free as the liquid is poured. Jin quickly uses the cloth to wipe away the blood and stitches me up using a surgical needle and thread. I stare at Tae who is holding onto my hand tightly with both of his while I'm bandaged up. I reach behind the bed quickly and whip out a bottle of whiskey. I quickly take two shots to help with the pain and the guys pretend they didn't see anything.

I'm finally finished being treated and I use Namjoon's shoulders to help sit me up. I hear things like 'Be careful!' And 'you should rest!' quickly blurt out of their mouths in concern. 'It's fine, I have been shot before you know?' I laugh and they comfort me and talk for a bit. The corporal comes in to check everything is okay and we chat for a bit before he notices my tired eyes that fight to stay open so says 'you shouldn't be left alone in this state. We can't afford to lose you so somebody should stay by your side. Seeing as these 7 recruits know what they are doing, they should take it in turns to stay with you. I can set up a spare bed in your room for them.' I reluctantly agree to his statements and then he picks Tae to have first watch. 'Oh god' I say to myself...

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