Mud Run

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It's now 7:30 and everyone is gathered ready for today. 'We are going to head off to our training area! Keep up with the group because if I deem you too slow, I will to eliminate you.' I turn around and start running to the woods as everyone follows. I can sense the 7 guys behind me and I can tell they had all been training and improved their stamina.

We are about half way there and Namjoon is running beside me. I laugh because I can see he is trying to impress me. It's now about 2 minutes until we reach the mud run start. None of them know that is what we are doing and I can feel their thoughts running around their heads. I stop the group and we watch as the people at the back catch up. I see 3 guys struggling and can tell they aren't strong enough for the training process. I tell them they are cut from the group and send them back with one of the corporals to get their stuff and leave.

Once the are gone, we all carry on running and finally reach the track start. 'So everyone. I hope you're ready to get muddy. You will be timed and the last 10 to finish will be sent home. Got it?!' I shout and everyone nods. They all line up at the start and I shout 'begin!' As they all rush through the track, I watch in amusement as some slip over and splatter the slippy mud around.

It's coming up to 20 minutes and I see the first few people coming to the finish. I see Tae, Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook at the front, closely followed by Jhope, Yoongi and Jimin. They are completely covered in mud except their faces which are only partially covered. I laugh as they scramble past the finish line. 'Well done 22 minutes. I do it in 19 so very good.' I smile and so do they passed their heavy breathing. We wait for everyone to finish and I kick out the last 10. I lead the remaining 35 people to the near by lake where they wash off all the mud. I run up to a ledge and dive into the water to cool off from the heat with them. Everyone watches as I do a flip before landing in, some of them cheering and splashing each other. We all swim around for a bit and I talk with the guys before heading back to camp.

On the way there, I'm talking to Yoongi about how his stamina is improving and Jungkook about his strength. I can feel the eyes of Namjoon and Jimin on my ass and turn around swiftly to raise an eyebrow before laughing and carrying on with the walk. Their faces were so red because they had been caught and felt embarrassed. I quickly realise how see-through my clothes must be as I'm still a little wet.

We make it back and sit down for lunch. I realise the man who was going to hit Jimin has finally finished his punishment and I walk over to him...

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