Warming Up

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Before I can push the pair of arms away in a panic I hear 'shhhh it's ok. I know you're cold so just let me warm you up.' Jungkook proceeds to pull me closer. I turn around to face him and rest my freezing head on his warm cozy chest. He hugs me tightly and puts his chin on the top of my head. It is so comfy in his arms and I can't keep my eyes open. He whispers 'you need to rest. Go to sleep.' I immediately do as I'm too tired to respond.

I wake up still in Jungkook's arms. I can tell he has been awake for a while and has been staring at me. I groan and pull him closer before he could move away. He laughs and I let go because I realise what I had just done. I laugh but stop when I realise my head is spinning. 'I'll go get you some food' He says moving slowly out of the bed to not disturb me too much.

He returned quickly and I eat slowly because I'm still a little sore. 'What time is it?' I ask.  '7:30' He replies while watching me eat. I nod and carry on eating until there is none left. 'Thank you for helping me last night' I say. He smiles and tells me it's fine and that he wanted to make sure I was ok. We chat for a bit before I get changed which he has to help me with. He throughly enjoyed himself and was smirking the whole time. We finally leave my room and he has his arm around my back, holding my waist to help support my weight as I walk. He passes me to Yoongi who is next on the list to keep an eye on me. He hugs me gently and he helps me gather everyone to say something.

'Morning everyone, so as you all probably saw, I was shot yesterday in the game. Someone was undercover here to kill me. I'm just glad they had a bad aim *smiling and laughing*. Anyway I will have to take the next few weeks slowly so please be patient with me... also our numbers are now down to 30 because one died obviously and a few others were kicked out for doing badly in the games. But anyway, today's task is to test strength. The corporal will take my place in leading for today so pay attention and listen to him!' everyone leaves to follow the corporal except Yoongi who has to stay by my side...

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