Who passed?

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The test continues as they all battle for the few mission spots I have. As time goes, I inform the corporal who has passed: 'they have all surprised me. I didn't think this many would make it but to join Yoongi will be Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Please inform the lucky 6 that they have passed and I will go see Yoongi.'

I make my way to the first aid room and when I open the door I immediately see Yoongi sat down holding his head in pain. 'You took quite a beating from that guy didn't you?' He looks up and replies 'I guess I'm just happy it wasn't you getting hurt this time.' I slightly chuckle at his adorableness and sit down next to him. I clean up his face and apply creams and plasters where needed. When I finish, I kiss his cheek gently and say 'all done.' With a big smile on my face. He smiles back with his gummy smile and thanks me for saving him earlier.

We talk for a bit and the other guys join us. It's now coming up to 11pm and it is getting quite cold. 'Right everyone, we are going to have a hectic few weeks ahead of us, so I suggest you all go to bed.' Everyone agrees and says goodnight. Just before Yoongi could leave, I gently grab his hand to stop him. 'I want to keep an eye on you for a while. You got hurt quite a bit... so .... I suggest you stay with me tonight. You're a valuable part of this operation and I can't afford to loose you.' He smiles and without saying a word he closes my door, locks it and hugs me tightly. 'If you insist' he says cheekily as I laugh.

I give him some clothes to change into and I go in the shower quickly. I get changed into some comfy black leggings and a loose top. I get into bed and we both drift off to sleep (Yoongi is on the separate bed). I wake up to the sound of shivering. I turn my head to see Yoongi's whole body tensed up. 'I can literally hear your teeth chattering. Come here so you can warm up.' I say moving over to create a space. 'Thank god' I hear him whisper as he jumps into my bed. At first he was a little hesitant to get close but snuggled up with me when I pulled my body towards him and wrapped my arms around him. I eventually fall asleep in his arms and so does he...

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