Ch. 2

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"So, let me get this straight. You've FINALLY realized you love Marinette! Emphasis on finally." Plagg said with wide eyes.

Adrien looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean, finally?"

Plagg rolled his eyes. "You really are more oblivious than I thought. Adrien, you've loved that girl since you gave her your umbrella. I've been telling you that for ages!"

Adrien thought back. He closed his eyes; he was able to picture that moment quite clearly. Her wide blue-bell eyes were beautiful.

"No, I don't recall you saying anything."

"You don't recall? Your faithful kwami has been watching your back, trying to get you to realize your inner feelings, and you don't recall!" Plagg turned his back to Adrien and crossed his tiny arms.

Adrien smiled. Good old Plagg. He cleared his throat. "You know, now that you mention it, I do remember you saying something..." He trailed off. Plagg spun around.

"See? I told..."

Adrien interrupted him. "You said one day I'd be in love with cambebert as much as you are, and I said that wouldn't happen." Adrien smiled at Plagg's face. "I told ya so." He sing-songed.

Plagg picked up the plate of cheese in front of him. "Me and my cheese are going to seek better company." Plagg flew off with the plate. Adrien burst out laughing.

"Pl-Plagg! I'm sorry. It wa-was a joke!" Adrien said through his laughter. Plagg peeked out from a bookshelf and raised an eyebrow.

Adrien tried again. "You were right. You told me so."

Plagg just continued to glare at him. Adrien lifted his hands in surrender. "Promise."

Plagg flew over with a now empty plate of cheese. "Well, looks like
I'm right then. I told you so!" He burped and smiled. Adrien waved his hand in front of his nose.


Plagg could only shrug. "You owe me more cheese."

"What do I owe you cheese for?"

"It's the payment you owe me for listening to my awesome wisdom."

"Ahh." Adrien said. "Well, 'Plagg the Wise', would you care to give me some more advice?"

"Cheese?" Plagg asked. Adrien sighed as he decided to grant his kwami's wish. He walked over to the door, then traced the many steps that led to the kitchen.

"Could I have some camembert please?" He asked the chef. The chef nodded and pulled some cheese out of the fridge. He placed it on a plate, then he handed the plate to Adrien.

"No offense, but you have some weird taste buds, kid."

"Tell me about it." Adrien muttered under his breath. He walked back to his room and set the plate in front of Plagg. The kwami looked at it greedily. He started eating and Adrien cleared his throat.

"What?" Plagg asked, irritated his feast had been interrupted.

"My advice?"

"Oh, right. What do you want advice on?"

"What should I do? I have feelings for Marinette, but I also still love Ladybug."

Plagg picked up a piece of cheese and chewed it thoughtfully. "You have three options. You could be a playboy, decide that you'll forget both of them, or choose one."

"Looks like I only have the last option then, but... who do I choose?"

Plagg could only offer him a shrug. "Whoever you love more." He swallowed another piece of cheese.

"But... I don't know who I love more."

"Well then decide." Plagg said. Adrien sat back and thought.

"I could go see Marinette tonight and figure out how much I actually like her. I suppose I will see Ladybug when another akuma attacks, so I can just wait till then." He stood. "I'll do that then. Plagg, are you ready to go see Marinette?"

Plagg groaned. "But.. the cheese!"

Adrien smiled knowingly. "If you go with me tonight, I'll get you a whole roll of it tomorrow. Deal?"


"Plagg, claws out!"

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