Ch. 5

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Ladybug ran out of the ally and swung over to the Eiffel Tower. So many villains go here, I wouldn't be surprised if this one decides to as well. When she landed, she was surprised to find herself alone at the base of the tower. She looked around and shrugged. I guess I was wrong. Where else could he be?

"Ugh, it's you again!" A familiar voice whined. Ladybug whipped around and glared at Volpina.


"Volpina!" She screeched. "That is who I am! Revealer came and hit me; he showed me my true self!" She gestured to her new outfit, and Ladybug couldn't exactly argue. She does like to lie.

"This is my chance to end you once and for all, Ladybug. Come and face me!"

Ladybug groaned. She didn't have time for this, but she didn't have much of a choice because a second later Volpina came running at Ladybug. They exchanged blows before Volpina backed away.

"Scared?" Ladybug couldn't help taunting. She had no love for Lila.

"Hardly!" Volpina brought her flute up to her lips; Ladybug saw it coming a second too late. The song was over, and Ladybug found herself surrounded by too many Volpinas to count.

Ladybug whipped her yoyo at each Volpina. Only two were able to escape her yoyo, but she had evened the numbers.

"Two is still more than one." The Volpinas chanted. They came at her from opposite sides, and Ladybug jumped up. They crashed into each other, and one disappeared with a puff of smoke. Ladybug landed on the real Volpina's shoulders.

Volpina stumbled and tried to shake Ladybug off, but the hero refused to let go.

"Get off!" She screeched.

"If you really want me to..." Ladybug flung her body forward, and Volpina and her both flipped in the air. At the last second Ladybug let go and landed lightly on her feet. Volpina had flown forward a couple feet and landed with a hard thud on the concrete. Ladybug winced, thinking back to her own thud in the concrete a while ago. It wasn't something she thought fondly of.

Volpina stood shakily, and she brought her flute to her mouth. This time Ladybug was prepared. She hurled her yoyo at Volpina, and the string wrapped around the flute. She pulled it back before Volpina realized what had happened. Ladybug snatched up the flute and broke it. Volpina screamed and fell to her knees. Ladybug was surprised when an akuma didn't fly out of the broken flute and Volpina didn't change back, but she just shrugged and walked away.

A Miraculous Tale: RevealerWhere stories live. Discover now