Ch. 4

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Adrien sat in the limo as his guard drove him to school.

"So, how'd it go?" Plagg inquired.

"It was fun; Alya was there. We all hung out and laughed and all that."

"Does this mean you're going to tell Marinette you love her?"

Adrien shook his head sadly. "No. Marinette is dating Luka. I don't want to make it difficult or awkward; if I do it might drive her further away, and I don't want that."

Plagg nodded. "Maybe your luck will change."

Adrien sighed. "Hopefully you're right." They pulled up in front of the school, and Adrien hopped out. As usual no one talked to him or registered that he was even there. Things need to change, and fast. He trudged up to his classroom and sat down.

"Hey, Adrikins!" Chloe singsonged as she walked into the classroom.

"Hey, Chloe." Adrien replied without much enthusiasm. Chloe didn't seem to notice.

"You won't believe what happened last night, Adrikins! I was in my bedroom..." She started going on about her disastrous evening, but Adrien didn't hear a word she said because Marinette walked in the room. Her hair was down, but she had pulled some of it back and tied it with a pink ribbon. She wore jeans and a very light pink shirt with a pan flute on it. Black notes were rising above it as if it were in the middle of a song. She smiled warmly, and her blue bell eyes were bright. She's never looked more beautiful. That shirt reminds me of when we got stuck in Peter Pan. She put my pan flute on a shirt. She's so talented. The class gathered around Marinette and admired her outfit. She thanked them humbly before she followed Alya walked to their desks. Adrien was watching Marinette, and Chloe noticed.

"What's the matter, Adrikins?" She followed his gaze and saw Marinette. "What are you staring at Marinette for!?"

Blood rushed to Adrien's cheeks and he wasn't sure how to answer. He was saved as Ms. Bustier walked in and started class.


"Don't forget to complete pages five through seven in your textbook. Have a good day." Ms. Bustier bid the class farewell, and Adrien followed his classmates outside. He went to the front of the school, but his guard wasn't there yet. He decided he'd rather not go back inside, so he sat on the steps and waited. Chloe came out, but luckily she had to leave. She hugged him goodbye and left. Adrien continued to sit there for a few minutes before he heard voices.

"...totally like him!" Someone said.

"We've been over this already, I am, for once, scotch free of romantic feelings!" A very familiar voice replied.

"Why did you wear your hair down then?"

Adrien turned his head to see Alya and Marinette reach the top step.

"Because two of my friends thought it looked good, so I decided to try it out for a day."

Alya just raised her eyebrows. "Then why did you break up with Luka?"

Adrien's heart rose. They broke up?

"Because I didn't have feelings for him anymore."

"Yes, but you also have feelings for you know who."

Marinette groaned. "I need to go home. See you tomorrow, Alya. Also, please stop with all the pestering!"

"No promises! Bye, Marinette!" Alya waved goodbye as Marinette walked off. Alya went home as well, and Adrien was alone again.

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