Chapter 23: Any tips on kissing

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Cayden's POV

Noah had been gone for at least 10 minutes with that snake and I was worried she was posioning him with her words. I went to check on him with Cole. As we got in clear view of the door we froze. My stomach dropped, heart stopped and breathing thinned.

Hayley's tongue was shoving down Noah's throat. She held his head with such possesion it was like he was already hers. She was poisoning her spit. Cole gagged at the sight and cursed under his breath. I couldn't utter a word. We crept back into the kitchen where everyone was.

"You won't believe what we just saw." Cole started.
"No what?" Jacob asked.
"Hayley and Noah kissing."
"What?!" They gasped simultaneously.
"The heck?" Jacob brows furrowed.
"Oh no.." Taylor sighed.

I blocked out the talking and was drowned in my thoughts. By the time I knew it Noah had returned with a blushed face and all eyes were on him except mine. There was a moment of silence before he spoke.

"So I'm guessing you already know..?"
"Yes is an understatement." Cole shook his head.
"Well at least someone is getting some action." Riley said making me roll my eyes.
"Can we not talk about it, please." Noah sighed.
"I agree, plus, I need to go home and do some homework." I rose from my seat.
"Why you leaving so soon?" Noah questioned.
"My dad is still in hospital so I will try to do as much homework as I can, before school."

I gathered my stuff and called Caleb from upstairs. I left in a rush but before I could reach 2 steps away from his door, he called me back. I slowly turned not wanting to have a conversation with him.

"Yes?" I deadpanned.
"Aren't you proud? I did it. I-"
"I know what you did and congratulations." With little to none enthusiasm.
"Then what's the problem?"
"I don't know? You've done everything right and only needed 3 out of the 5 steps. Just ask her out and your done."
"Alright then. Do you have anything to tell me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Any tips on how to kiss, since you never enjoyed the first time? Or any recommendations for a plastic surgeon to fix my nose and lips?"

I stared at him utterly confused, I had no clue where he was getting this from but I was beginning to get an idea.

"The heck? Did your girlfriend tell you that?"
"Some of it."
"And you trust her big head ....over me?"
"Have you always been honest?"

Honestly, no the only thing I wasn't truthful about was saying that I didn't like him.

"No. Have you?"
"Then what's the problem?"
"My feelings. You keep playing with my feelings and I'm confused."
"You're one to talk."
"Fine! Be in denial if you like. I have no clue why your so salty around Hayley."

I grit my teeth, if I speak...

I walked away grabbing my brother, who was in awe of the argument. I wasn't going to admit to something I didn't do. But I was going to find out who was breastfeeding him lies. I could officially say I was emotionally out of control and me liking him grew into a nuisance.

The door to my room was locked shut, the lights were nearly all out and the curtains were drawn. I sat in silence and near darkness contemplating my life choices and people to beat up. The good image I was trying to portray was going to be knocked out of the window, at this point; I had to clear my name.

2 weeks later

I lost the will to solve the situation over the weeks the more I dwelled on it and time moved on I grew less eager. The morning woke me up with a dark smile. It felt as if I was gliding across my carpet as I went to my bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror knowing I was tired but with the smile plastered on my face no one could tell the difference.

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