Chapter 28: My Mum Is....

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I froze. Tongue stuck in Cayden's mouth and all. I knew it was Cayden's dad but I thought if I didn't move he wouldn't see us.

"I can still see you." Her dad said matter-of-factly.

I removed myself from her and took a heavy breath getting ready to be kicked out and maybe attacked. Cayden's face was no help; she was as shocked as me. I peered my head up from behind Cayden but was surprised to see he wasnt looking at me.

He had a serious face and eyes blaring at Jacob and Taylor. They were trying to hid under the covers but it wasnt helping. Taylor popped her head out and grinned awkwardly.

"Hi, Mr Young, it's not exactly what it looks like." Taylor muttered.
"So you weren't kissing Jacob?" Mr Young questioned.
"...yes. I-"
"Then that's exactly what I saw. Imagine if your parents saw you. And you too Jacob."
"Hi, Sir." He meekly answered.
"Please don't tell our parents.." Taylor uttered.
"Of course I won't but-" Cayden's dad carried on talking and lecturing them but I turned my attention to Cayden and I's situation.

She was still in my arms and at very close proximity to me. If her dad even glanced up at us he'd be fuming. Cayden had to somehow get to Cole without being noticed. Cole caught my attention and gave him a few looks directing him on what I was trying to say. Cayden began to wiggle herself down to get over to Cole's cover. What wasn't planned was that Cayden would accidentally graze my manhood and I would jolt in surprise.

Her dad's attention shifted to me and he stared suspiciously and once he noticed the large lump under the duvet he knew someone was under there. He stalked towards me and without hesitation he drew back the covers to reveal a sheepish Cayden. From his point of view it must've looked very suspect and wrong because she was right by my crotch. Fury burned within his eyes in a way I was not used to. I could see the build up rage slowly growing. My stomach turned at his accusing stare.

"Daddy, it's not what it looks like?!" Cayden rushed swiftly sitting up.
"I DID NOT RAISE A HOE SO WHY DO I HAVE ONE!" He dad screamed making me tremble.
Before I could get a word out her dad yelled, "Don't you dare get yourself involved." And turned back to Cayden, "I don't even know what to say to you. What would your mum say-"

There was a longing silence that no one felt comfortable to break. We were all to scared to speak and Mr Young looked like he'd bitten his tongue. He stormed out leaving us to try and comfort Cayden. She rejected our consolation and gave a soft but hurt smile back. I wanted to wrap her up like a baby and cradle her embarrassment and pain away but all I could do was watch her deflate.


Cayden's POV

Soft music played in the background reflecting my solemn mood. I felt at ease in an odd way, because of the peace and quiet, but I still felt down. I dwelled on my dad's words over and over, like a broken tape recorder thinking on how much I disappointed him. Everyone was home by now and felt awkward staying longer then they needed; I couldn't blame them. Even thinking about Noah made me worried that my dad could sense it.

But a daunting thought kept looping in my head. It scared me. The possibility that my mum could still be alive. My dad tripped up and said if my mum heard, which was present tense. You would normally, when bringing up the dead, say if they were alive but he didn't. I could be thinking too deeply into it but there was a burning sensation driving me to believe otherwise.

I shot up from my laying position on the bed and grabbed my laptop. I know my heart wouldn't be at rest until I knew the truth.

Frantically, I searched into the funeral company dad used when he had to bury mum and found inconclusive results. I tried again but the same answer came. Something was very fishy about all of this. There was definitely a tombstone and a funeral but no record.

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