Chapter 30: I Was Only Joking

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Cayden's POV

It hurt to see him so sad about something he honestly couldn't do anything about. None of the others could. He carried a burden that wasn't even his to bare and it hurt me. I could only watch as he broke down and I let him. He needed to release it all or else he may never let it go. He quaked under my hand and tears streamed down his face. His glasses were so wet that there was no point of him wearing them.

"Cayden, tell me there's a way to make this go away, to remove this guilt I'm ridden with. How- how can I make it up to you. I'm so sorry..."
I was on the verge of crying, "Baby there is nothing you could've done no one could do anything. You can't blame it on you because it was never your fault. The persons fault it was is dead and the blame should lie with him and not you. We all feel some sort of guilt for what happened but we shouldn't because what could we do to change it? You can't burden yourself with this and it pains me to see you internally suffering about something you could never change. If it helps I forgive you but there is nothing to actually forgive you of."

I gave him a compassionate hug trying to drain the guilt from him and take it onto myself. His crying had settled to silence and I just had him in my arms. His head limped on my shoulder and he finally felt like he had relaxed. But I had a feeling he still felt he had done something wrong.

"I'm not lying when I say none of it was your fault. Do not blame yourself."
"It's hard but if you say it's not my fault then I believe you." He sniffed standing straight and I could see his red eyes through his glasses.

I took the glasses off and wiped his tears giving him a hopeful smile. I stood on my tip toes and gave him a soft, caring kiss which turned into us making out. We shuffled to the bed and I straddled him as he sat on the edge of the bed. The kisses were deep and delicate as if to console each other of our problems. His hands were securely on my thighs squeezing them now and again. I trailed soft kisses down his jawline and onto his neck. I kissed, nipped and sucked it until it formed a hickey just for a stamp to show he was mine.

All the while he was breathing heavy and sighing beautiful moans. I stared at the art work of the dark red stamp on my his neck and it was clearly visible. His eyes met mine and were as loved up as mine. The kiss continued and seemed to grow even deeper as his hands crawled to my waist.

"Oh lord!" His mum gasped.

I leaped off of him in absolute terror and saw her shocked with her mouth covered at the door way. I was so embarrassed and could only imagine how Noah felt.

"Ma!" Noah shouted self-conscious, "Deberías haber golpeado." He broke off into his mother tongue leaving me clueless.
"No me hables asi. Espera a que tu papá se entere." His mum snapped.
"Tengo casi 18 años pero lo siento. Mum this is my girlfriend, Cayden."

After not understanding anything of that conversation except the last sentence I was confused. What happend to keep this lowkey? But then again how do you cover this up?

"Hi Mrs King." I sheepliy said wanting to hid.
"Hi Cayden, I'm not surprised at the same time I wasn't expecting this. I will.... leave you two." She closed the door and we heard her footsteps grow silent.

I fell back onto the bed, "Crap! I think we should've been more careful."
"I don't."
"Exactly, at lea-" I paused only clocking onto what he said, "What? Why?"
"Because that was such a great kiss I wouldn't want it any different. I feel like I just took some drugs and rushed with energy. I'm so happy when I'm with you and I don't want to hide it."
"I feel the same."
"Then come here."
"My lips are swollen it's hard work kissing."
"Who said I want to kiss you? I want to .....cuddle." He mummered turning red.

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