Chapter 2: Soulmates

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Jiao was a woman of few words. She was born as the eldest child of the Li Family and she grew up loveless. Her parents had always favored her younger siblings and she was told that she had to grow up soon so she can support them.

One time, she asked if they even loved her.

The only response she got was them looking at her like she was crazy.

It broke her world.

At school, her so called friends only stayed by her side because she had good grades and she was often seen doing their schoolworks for them. She knew they were laughing behind her back but who could blame her? She didn't want to end up alone.

She was exhausted, and at times she even thought of ending her life. The only thing that kept her going was the shining red string around her pinky.

Things were like that until she turned nineteen.

She met him.

The one at the end of the string.

He was a man who you can say was a man loved by the people around him. He does not excel in school nor does he excel in sports but he was honest, respectful, and kind. His compassion can be mistaken as foolishness by other people for he was always taken advantaged of, but he replied that as long as he can do something for that person, then that is enough.

This was why people grew to love him. And Jiao grew to love him too.

His household was normal and he has four younger siblings. His father was a soldier and his mother was a normal housewife who stayed at home. He liked smiling, a lot. His smiles were warm and she liked it when it's directed at her.

He never failed to make her day better.

Before she knew, they were already married with a child they named Yibo and she had never been so happy.

This was the love she had been seeking.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

She saw.

She saw how the red string turned dull; the color almost identical to blood had now turned into the color of mahogany. It doesn't hold that same energetic shine anymore and Jiao wondered why she hated the way it was tied around her pinky.


She whispered, a tear falling down her left cheek.

"Even though we are soulmates."

Her lithe shoulders tightened, a sob threatening to spill from her lips. Her heart feels like it already stopped beating, her hands feel numb, and everything is shaky. Her dress, the beautiful dress he had given her, she felt particularly happy today that she decided to wear it. It's white, reaching her pale knees, and she put it on with the thought in mind that her husband would like it.

Because the first time she wore it, he said that it suited her. He said he took his time choosing it and he said he would like to see her wear it on their anniversaries. Because that was the first gift he gave her after they got married and it will be a remembrance of their love.

"So why?"

He raised his head and stared at her. The eyes which always looked at her with gentleness, they are now lifeless and tired. But they were fine yesterday, weren't they? Why is he looking at her like this now?

"Why?!" She yelled in a turmoil of emotions. Warm tears spilt from her onyx orbs, falling with rancor and misery. Her hands now desperately clinging to his arm, begging for answers.

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