Chapter 10: End

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It was supposed to be their wedding day, it should have been full of smiles and happy tears. But fate really is indeed an asshole, for they knew the reason why his father left their family. He had cancer, and had been busy doing everything he can to save money that they can use after he passes away.

The time he left was the time he decided to have himself die earlier than he had intended. It was stomach cancer, and he had only a month to live. He didn't know how to tell them, and had acted like that in hope that they will hate him. It did work on Yibo's part, but it didn't on his mother.

She only kept blaming herself, and had never hated him.

He felt absolutely horrible on his own wedding day, if not for Xiao Zhan who cried and hugged him. His mother fainted from shock, and you can say it was one hell of a wedding.

And Yibo cried thinking how stupid his father was, but he also cannot blame him for Yibo would do the same if not for the fact that he almost lost Xiao Zhan. He wouldn't be able to live if the other was not there.

His father was a strong yet a stupid man.

But he was the best and the worst father he ever had.

But maybe they were similar in a sense.

He was also not good with words. But one thing is for sure, his I love you(s) were not lies.

Author's Notes:

Hopefully, I'll come back after Christmas! Pray for me, guys. Sorry it was rushed, I didn't have time to edit it! To be completely honest, I wrote this when I was really, extremely, sad and it just shows because I made Xiao Zhan a crybaby. Don't worry, this will only happen for one story. The next ones will be better. I'm seriously unstable this year because of many things.

Thank you so much for making me happy by commenting even though my stories are really shitty. 😭 English is not my first language so I had a hard time writing this.

There you go, just...have a good day!


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