Chapter 9: Facets of Fate

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This was the day.

Xiao Zhan slapped himself one, two, three times before staring at his reflection in the mirror. He looked healthier than yesterday, and he probably has to sneak away before his mother goes back from god-knows-where.

Yesterday, he got a long session of scolding because he had been neglecting himself. The school nurse said he only had a mild case of anemia therefore had fainted, he only needed sleep but his mother had over-reacted and told him he looked so thin and that must be the reason why he passed out. She didn't even listen before proceeding to rap like a professional, even threatening to call his equally worriwart dad who was busy working in some foreign country.

He had no choice but to obey because let's face it, his father was the scariest when he's worried for his one and only son.

His mother told him to stay put and she will cook something later at dinner that will get him back to his shape in no time. She nagged again earlier, and wow. She's too overprotective for her own good.

Sighing, he put on a simple black shirt, faded jeans and rubber shoes. He looked presentable enough, and he wouldn't bother dressing flashily if the chance of Yibo showing up is fifty to fifty. He was still feeling a little bit light-headed from being in the bed for the whole day but he can do this, he knows he can.

He locked his room, quietly going down the stairs although knowing his mother was not there. He apologized to their house before running to the playground the two promised to meet at. The sun was ready to set when he arrived there, some kids being escorted by their parent or older siblings home.

Few kids only remained, and Xiao Zhan patiently waited on one of the benches, watching the kids frolicking about. Giggles and boisterous laughter were the only noises heard, and Xiao Zhan sighed a little at seeing the children riding the slides and swings with childish glee.

They remind Xiao Zhan of the times he and Yibo spent time playing here when they were kids.

How nostalgic.

Wait, wasn't there a time when Yibo threw his tiny skateboard at a boy who punched Xiao Zhan? He remembered being punched before his head was kicked on the ground. Yibo saw what happened and hit the boy twice their size with a skateboard. On the stomach. Twice.

He laughed lightly at the memory.

Although it was nothing but a small one, it was sturdy as it brought the big boy gasping on the ground painfully. After that, no one bullied Xiao Zhan with his 'psycho' bestfriend after that.

This was the place they had their first memory with each other.

He briefly wondered if Yibo still remember all the times they spent here. Probably not, since Xiao Zhan barely remembered the other ones but he does know the important events that took place here.

"Gege, do you want to play with the swings?"

He smiled when three children surrounded him, wide grins on their angelic faces. The only boy in the group pointed at the swings. "My two jiejie and I are already finished with them, so if you want to, you can ride them now!"

He shifted his gaze on the empty swings, recognizing how deserted the place is. He frowned. So he had been too preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice the playground being emptied. The only ones there now are him and the three children before him.

The boy took his frown as him being sad because he doesn't have a playmate, hands flying to pat one of Xiao Zhan's bent knees, big eyes innocently staring up at him. "Do you want us to push you while you're on the swing? I saw you here earlier and you looked really sad-" He stopped mid-sentence when the tallest girl among the bunch (but still only reaching Xiao Zhan's knees if he stands up) pinched his side, giving him a glare. "Hey, we have to go home before mama gets mad!"

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