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What the fuck just happened?
—To answer your question, I don't know either. Just kidding. Anyway, the whole fanfiction was already planned. It was just executed poorly. There were a lot of questions that weren't answered, and I bet you are all confused because I admit, I did leave some details because idk man, I've been too lazy to write things when I get seasonal depression. To summarize:

Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo are soulmates. Yu Bin is the one who was supposed to bring them together.

Why is the red string wrapped around Yu Bin's body?
—Because he was supposed to be the matchmaker. I didn't include this scene (because it's fucking corny) but actually, Lady Fate found it funny that Xiao Zhan gets jealous whenever Yibo pays attention to Yu Bin and vice-versa. Thus the characteristic of the string. Even before the string showed up, it already got tangled and wrapped around Yu Bin because he's always in the middle of the two (and the reason for the jealousy).

You said the father didn't cheat but who was the woman with him before he left?
—Again, I got lazy writing the ending and I was supposed to write who the woman was, but I kinda forgot. The woman was actually a personal doctor he hired. That woman was also the one who told them the reason of the husband's decision, and there were supposed to be letters and shit and explaining why he left. To cut it short, he left because he cannot face his family becoming sad. I wrote this part because I watched a scene like this in a movie (which I don't remember) where the protagonist stayed with his love until his death, and my Father (who was watching with me that time) told me he wouldn't be able to and would probably run away because he cannot face the fact that he would be leaving us behind. I just thought it was sad, thus it was included in the plan.

The plan was supposed to end when they visit the father's grave, offer his favorite drink, and talk to him!

The red string turns black whenever a soulmate stops loving the one who's at the end but in some cases, it can also signify a loss of a soulmate's life. Damn, I think I should rewrite this story to put more details but...uh, no.

Did Zhuo Cheng love Xiao Zhan romantically?
—Why darlings, yes he does! Till now of course, and I'm actually planning to write a sequel for him where he will end up with his real soulmate and heal his broken heart. But I doubt you'll read it so, probably no? Comment if you want and I'll post it immediately.

Zhuo Cheng x Yu Bin?
—Umm...sequel pairing...?

Any more questions?

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