Chapter 2, Crash & Fall

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*Katelyn's POV*

Were on the way to pick up Mia from her house as we've passed many zombies. "It's really scary now that there are zombies everywhere," Dezi says hiding her face from the windows. 

"Yeah I know everyone has gone nuts and started robbing stores for supplies, it's never going to be the same ever again," I say sadly.

"Aww cheer up, things will get better over time," she says cheerily. She always has a positive attitude even in the worst situations, I don't know how she does it. We do have our similarities with our personality, always trying to make sure our friends are safe, but she has that positive attitude about EVERYTHING. That's what i love about our friendship. 

We drive down Mia's street and I see her through the window crying. I quickly pull up at her driveway and unlock her door with my spare key. I walk in and she screams. "Hey, it's only me, what's wrong, are you ok?" I asked her trying to calm her down.

" M-m-m-my-" she stuttered, "My sister is a zombie!" she cries.

"Omg I'm so sorry mia!" I say hugging her.

 "Hey we need to get out of here it's not safe and zombies are multiplying by the second, so I was thinking that all of us girls go to my holiday house in the country, its really big, deserted and it is filled with supplies, but I need you to pack your essentials and all of your food. We don't know how long we will be there." I explain to her, she agrees and goes upstairs to pack. 

Our parents all went on a big Japan trip together as a family bonding trip, now we are all alone. Having to survive for ourselves. 

"Hey," Dezi says as she walked inside "What happened why was she crying?" she asks.

"Her um, her sister has been turned" I whisper slowly. 

"Omg no not Gabs," she says sadly.

"Yeah poor GG got attacked and they had to kill her." I say miserably. 

I've told mia to go and pack her essentials, but knowing mia she is most likely gonna pack non essentials, (Makeup, hair straightener, hair curler, high heels, fancy tight dresses and so on)

Mia comes downstairs with two huge suitcases, I secretly roll my eyes. "Have you got a car?" I question her.

"Yeah, half a tank full in the garage" she says wiping the tears from her face. 

"Oh ok what about your dad's Ferrari?" I ask mischievously

"hmmm..FULL TANK!! My dad hasn't used it in ages." She says just a tad too excited.

"Um guys??" Dezi said worriedly. We all turn around towards Dezi and we see Mia's undead sister walking around outside.

"Omg" Mia says, "I thought I killed her." she adds.

"It's gonna be ok as long as she is outside" I reassure everyone.

"Ok" Dezi and Mia say together. "I'm gonna take the petrol out of my car and put it in a can and then I'm gonna take the Ferrari with the extra petrol and I'll put the roof on, Jess's dad has one of those pro monster truck, so we'll get her to take that when we get to her house." Mia explains.

"Yep good plan, let's get going."

Once everyone was packed up we leave Mia's house and we make our way to Jess's house where Felicity will most likely be, our best option is to get Jess's dad's Truck just in case, Then we will go pick up my boyfriend Elijah and Dezi's boyfriend Henry from Elijah's house. 

Elijah's parents are In Russia visiting relatives, and Henry's are traveling around Europe, While jess and Felicity's are in Japan with the others. It's like a massive family friend get together for the adults. Even though we are adults. We like to call our parents the middies. For Middle Aged.

We arrive at Jess's house and park our cars. They've already started packing, finally I don't have to tell them too. Perfect. They see us pull up and smile, "Get in get in! Hurry!" Felicity pushes us inside and barricades the door.

"Hey gurl". After we've all said our hello's, I explain about how we are all going to everyone's houses to tell them about the holiday house and all that. Once we've finished catching up Jess gets her and Felicity's bags and puts them in her dads monster truck and we head off to Elijah and Henry's house.

Once we've left we all get into our cars, Jess, and Felicity together in the monster truck, Mia in the Ferrari, Dezi in her Mercedes Benz and me in my jaguar. We have a small group of cars now which makes us draw attention to ourselves, mainly because we are rich and have fancy cars. After about 20 minutes of driving, we see a girl getting chased by a dozen zombies, me being me, a caring, kind person I quickly pullover next to her and yell for her to get in. She gets in and thanks me. 

"Hey, are you okay do you have any injuries?" I ask.

"Ummm no.." she says strangely.

"Ok then," I say trying to act normal. "What's your name?"

" Penny. Penny Martia, she tells me.

"Cool, my names Katelyn," I tell her. She looks in pain so I begin to get suspicious, is she sure she didn't get hurt? Is she lying to me? Is she hiding something? "Hey, you sure your okay?" I ask her concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little nervous I guess." She says as she forces a smile. She still looks really uncomfortable and she is sweating, she is holding her wrist tightly, It looks like she got injured there or something. She accidentally moves her sleeve up and I see teeth marks with puss oozing out of her wrist.

"OMG are you ok?! What happened to your wrist?!" I ask raising my voice.

"I-i-i g-got b-bitten" She says while furiously scratching at her wrist. All of a sudden she pushes her chest out like she's being kicked in the back and her bones begin to crack, she starts screaming, and her bones keep cracking, I start screaming too when she starts trying to attack me. I grab my gun out of my cup holder but accidentally drop it.

"Shit!!" I yell. The now zombie Penny is furiously grabbing at me I keep smacking her hands away preventing myself from getting bitten, I attempt to reach for my gun, I grab my gun and shoot her front and center in her head. Her body goes limp. I open the door and throw her out and her lifeless deformed body lays on the road and I start driving again. I killed someone.

Thanks for reading this chapter guys xx

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