Chapter 17, This isn't real...

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Jess's POV

I've decided I wanted to do some testing on zombie flesh, but the stupid baby ate it, and then they melted him. I'm going to go out and find a dead zombie (hopefully) and get some more. It should be easy. Just quickly go into the woods and quickly come back. Simple.

I go upstairs to my room and pack my bag, I pack my gun, a knife, my blood extraction kit, and a weapon that I have been working on myself. I put it all into the bag and head downstairs. Mia spots me. 

"Where are you going Jess, it's 3 am!" Mia asks me. 

"Uh, I'm going to get some firewood from the woods." I reply trying to hide my backpack. She looks right at it. "You need a backpack to carry firewood, a 3am. In the morning?" She asks me raising her eyebrows.

"Well, I need my backpack to carry extra wood and yes 3 am,Aiden and I are cold in our room." I reply. "Well, whatever be careful!" She yells as she walks upstairs.

That was close. I walk outside and sneak into the woods. I've always thought the woods were quite beautiful, the way the tree's are all symmetrical and perfect. I walk through the woods a bit further and I hear a growling noise. I quickly hide behind a large tree and see a zombie, It's coming my way and this might be my only chance if I want to be quick. It looks to be alone so I wait for it to turn around and then I sneak up on it. 

It turns around and looks me in the eye, there is nothing humane left in her. She immediately tries to grab me but I dodge her. I run away and quickly climb up a nearby tree. I open my backpack and grab out my gun. I put 2 bullets in and aim for her head. She looks at me straight in the eyes. It looks like she's sad?

I ignore it and shut my eyes. I pull the trigger. A tear falls down my cheek. I feel it roll down the side of my face, down under my chin and down my neck. She was once a human being, but she is a determined killer now. Why did she look so sad? UGH SO MANY THOUGHTS! 

That is one thing that has gotten on my nerves. All of the thinking, of scenarios, thoughts, dreams, nightmares. It fucks with my mind, I get scared. But I forget about all of that for now. I must go down onto the ground and collect my DNA samples. I hop down from the tree and get my blood extraction kiting knife from my backpack. 

I begin to cut some flesh off of her, and then I put it in a jar. I then get the needle and put it through her skin and attach the syringe and begin to draw blood from her. I hear growling noises. I quickly pack my kit up and put it away in my bag and begin running. I watch as they try to trail me but they are too far away. I manage to make it back to the house in time and lock the door. I get into the lab and begin testing.

Aiden's POV

I head back to Jess and I's room but I don't see her anywhere. I walk over to Mia who just so happened to be in front of me, creepy.

"Have you seen Jess?" I ask. "Yeah sure, she went into the woods a while ago to get fire wood. Wait actually now that you mention it she has been gone for like an hour!" She replies with a sudden change in tone, chilled to worry. 

"Oh god, something could've happened to her! I'm going to try and find her." I reply as I grab my gun and head outside into the woods. 

I start going straight ahead trying to look for her tracks in the dark. But it's no use because it's pitch black.

 "JESS!" I yell. "JESSICA!" I continue. I keep walking through the forest, I've almost reached the cliffs. I hear a low growling noise coming from the trees. I see a group of about a dozen zombies coming for me. I start sprinting straight ahead. I look behind me as the zombies are speeding towards me, and they appear to be getting quicker by the second.

I reach the edge of the cliff, I look down and see water rushing. It's a long drop. Would I survive it? Maybe. All of a sudden I feel a sharp bite pierce my arm. I look to see a zombie latched onto my arm like a leech. I try to push him off but it's not working. He is pushing me toward the edge of the cliff. I lose my balance and fall back. I watch the zombies disappear out of my view as I get submerged under the water.

 I try and make my way back to the bit of land that is close by. I start swimming but my whole arm is hurting, the pain is moving from limb to limb. I manage to climb out of the water. At this point my whole body burns. I feel my lungs collapse and my heart shut down. I listen as my bones crack. I am screaming, the pain is unbearable. I lay still for a moment before waking up. I'm not breathing. I feel nothing. I am hungry. I need meat. Human meat.

 I can't remember anything. I look around and spot a bear drinking by the end of a waterfall. I try to talk but a growl does out, I realise at this point what just happened. I'm a zombie. 

I walk over to the bear, I try to run but it seems impossible, my fastest speed is speed walking. I eventually make it to the bear. It completely ignores me. In fact it seems to want to get away from me. I disgust a bear. Great. I speed walk after it. I start grabbing at it, I am not controlling this I do not want to get involved with a black bear. But I can't seem to do anything about it I keep pushing forward. I latch onto the bear and bite it's neck. Oh my god the taste of the blood. I feel sick that I like this. Is everyone who has turned like me? They must be.

Some other zombies come up near me. "Hey bro, nice kill!" A female zombie tells me. "What the fuck, you can talk and I can hear you." I reply. "You must be new, welcome to the zombies, where we apparently eat brains when it's the blood we go for." She replies laughing. I can't believe I understand her. Some other guys come up behind her even a child. "Nice one!" A older guy tells me. "Thanks." I reply. Can't believe this is happening. It's like a whole new world. The world of the undead.

Heyyyy finally I'm at 500 views! Thank you so much for your support throughout this story. 

How did you like this chapter. I added a major twist. If the zombie apocalypse is really like that then how come we can't understand them. Stay tuned!

Love you guys! xx

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