Chapter 35, Flash to the Past

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Hey Guys! This is another special chapter where we go back before the Apocalypse started! Crazyyyyy going back in time. Enjoy <3

Katelyn's POV

"So do you wanna do coffee tomorrow then?" I ask Elijah as I sit down next to him.

"Sure, what time?" 

"Uhhh..." I say as I space out and stare at the beautiful sunset.

"Hello?" Elijah says confused.

"12? I get off at 11.30 so we could go out to lunch then?" I tell him zoning back again

"Yep sounds good, I'll see you then," He says

"Ok, cool, byeeee I love you!" I say as I take a bite of my chocolate muffin.

"Love you too, see you tomorrow," He says just before I press the hang-up button on my phone.

Ahh, what a day. I've been to the gym and now all my muscles hurt. I get up off the couch with a great struggle.


~meet me at the beach in 15?~ F

~See you there ;)~ K

~P.S bring your bathers~ F

~Will do :3~ K

~We don't want a jellyfish stinging your ass again XD~ F

~Haha, very funny, leaving now~ K

~Yes it is very funny, cool I'm almost there~ F

I put on my bathers and chuck some denim shorts over the top, I grab my keys, phone, and wallet and head to the beach. This beach is our favorite meeting spot, nobody really goes there, so we can do whatever we want.

I pull up at the beach and see Felicity sitting at the end of the empty pier. I walk along the pier and admire the tangerine sunset. It's breathtaking.

"Heyy!" I say as I sit down next to Feli on the pier.

"Hey, look how pretty the sunset is today, I think this is the best one we've had all year! She says pointing at the gorgeous coral sky. The air is sweet, and the waves are calm. It's paradise.

"It's quite astonishing," I simply reply

"Want a raspberry vodka cruiser?" she offers.

"Is that even a question?"


~The next day~

Last night was a blast hopefully we can do more hangouts like that, but now we need to face back to reality and head back to work. I make my morning coffee and make some scrambled eggs for breakfast and i surprisingly wake up early this morning and get time to watch some TV. I turn the news on to see the reporters talking about some kind of virus that makes people go crazy and attack others, I thought it must be a joke because after all, it is April fools day today.

I don't really pay attention to the News as much anymore it gives me goosebumps so I just decide to head to work early.

~In the car~

After 20 minutes I get held in traffic, nobody was moving it's so frickin frustrating, all you can hear are the horns of multiple cars practically screaming at the other drivers to move.

All of a sudden I heard multiple spine-chilling sounds, I'm curious about the screams so I peep my head through the sunroof of my car and see what all the screaming is about. The news wasn't lying. I see people sprinting through the maze of cars trying to fend off the rabid people that were attacking them and biting them. I have to get out of here.

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