Chapter 14, It's Time

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*Josh's POV* 

I hear a gunshot. I roll over and see Felicity not in bed. I quickly rush to the baby's room because she probably got up in the night. When I walk into the baby's room I find Aiden by Felicity's side then I see Blake on the ground. Dead. I stare at him for a moment. Then I hear Felicity say my name and I snap out of it and rush over to her. 

"What happened," I ask Aiden. "Blake was trying to kill the baby but Felicity came in so I'm pretty sure he hid under Levi's cot and then he slashed at her ankle. I walked in because I heard the baby crying and I was following him around the house. I grabbed the gun from the secret place in the basement and came back up and shot him." Aiden replied.

I begin carrying Felicity up into the kitchen to clean up her ankle. 

"Luckily he didn't cut a major artery or you will be bleeding out," Aiden said. 

"Yes, listen to doctor Aiden." I say laughing. We all laugh together. At this point its 3 am and I'm wide awake. Guess that's my beauty sleep for the night. Aiden patches up Feli's ankle and then I carry her back to our room. I get back in bed and shut my eyes. I fall asleep instantly.

*Dezi's POV* 

I wake up with the sun hitting me in the face. I get out of bed and slide down the handrail that leads downstairs. I see Katelyn in the kitchen cooking breakfast, I jump around like a 5 year old..I'm just in a good mood.

"Hey!" I say happily.

 "Hey" She replies. 

"Are you ok? You seem down about something. Who hurt you? I will kill them! Was it Blake? Henry told me he's been here. Was It was him? That's it he is dying today!" I say getting myself fired up.

"Bit too late for that." She replies. 

"Huh what do you mean too late? Is he dead!?" I'm shocked, I didn't hear anything last night I went to bed so early I was lost in my own dreams.

 "Yeah..." She starts. "Last night he was trying to kill the baby and he kidnapped Mia, so Aiden shot him to protect Felicity because he was trying to kill her too." She says starting to tear up. 

"Aw, Katelyn don't cry!" I say running over to hug her. 

"We used to be best friends you know, and I feel terrible because he was trying to kill all of my friends and Elijah. It's all because of me. It's because I kissed him when we were 13 and he thought that I liked him. When all I wanted to be was friends. But he wanted to be more than friends." She said with tears streaming down her face. 

"It's not your fault! He had issues and stuff. Getting  joy out of killing people isn't normal."  I say. She nods in response. "I know." She says getting up off of the bench.

She goes back to the bacon on the pan and moves it around the pan. She leans her arm on the pan accidentally and burns it. "Ah fuck!" She says as she walks over to the tap and runs cold water on it. 

"I'm going crazy Dezi!" She says. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. She then drops down onto the floor and looks at the floor. "Your not crazy.." I say quietly. 

"Then why can't I do anything right!? Everything bad that has happened since we have been here has been my fault!" She says yelling a little.

 "No. It's not. Everything happens for a reason." I reply. She looks up at me. I don't know what I'm thinking at the moment there is so much stress in the air. She leans in and kisses me. I pull away quickly. 

"Sorry, I don't know why I did that. I'm so stupid!" I say covering my face with my hands.

 "It's ok, I understand you were under a lot of pressure and I'm sitting here crying so what the fuck are you meant to do." She replies calmly staring at the wall.

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