Cas's Revenge

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Potential story.. readers let me know what you think.

Cas's POV

Stupid idiots thought I was dead. Ha! Good thing I told Lucinda and Owen to come by and watch in case something shady happened.

Who would have known I'd be shot by a sniper. I was in a coma for 4 months. I had to relearn to walk and do things by myself.

I'm so thankful Owen is loaded and could afford to hire a medical team at his home. No one but them know I'm alive. I plan to keep it that way, for now.

Dumb assholes must have not thought about making sure I was actually dead. Somehow they were able to make it look like I was dead.

Aden was sure to have closed casket funeral. Can't believe my mom  and dad didn't check the coffin. Didn't she need to identify the body before assuming it was me? I plan to make Luke suffer and drive Aden insane.

"How are you feeling." Lucinda asked.

"I told you for the millionth time, I'm fine." I said.

I couldn't really tell her my plans on what I'm going to do to Luke. He will know once it happens. That's for damn sure.

"Owen and I are heading out. We will see you in 2 weeks after our trip. Do you need anything?" She asked.

"No, Lucinda. Like I said before I'm fine. This isn't the first time you two left me here by myself." I said.

"Okay. You just seem different is all." She said.

We said our goodbyes. Now time to put my plan in motion.

Every week day Luke leaves his house around 8:00am and drops his kids off at daycare. Too bad his three kids with Nina will never see him again.

Now, to find the best day/ time to catch him. I thought about catching him when he goes to his car at the daycare but they have too many cameras.

He also likes to go to his office on Wednesdays in a downtown location that has minimal traffic when he leaves at 6:30 pm. I'll just wear all black and a ski mask.

I've been watching him for a while. It's time to execute my plan of attack. I use one of the many vans Owen owns. I made sure to hide the VIN numbers and remove the tags. Owen has many vans he won't miss this one. He also has many warehouses. I am using one to seal Luke's fate. He will be mine wether he likes it or not.

He decided to leave later today from his office. It's 7:05 pm and he is walking to the parking garage. I'm parked right next to him. As he is loading his stuff in the car, I came up behind him and jabbed him with a needle.

That was easier than I thought. Now to get his big
a$$ in the van. Sh!t I didn't think this through properly.

Finally after 15 minutes I was able to get him in the van. We made it to the warehouse and I got the wheelchair out of the back. Time to get him inside.

We have a makeshift home in this secluded warehouse. I hope he likes it. He won't be leaving here ever if my hard work pays off.

I brought him to the room and shackled him to the bed. I doubled the locks just in case he were to get loose. Can't have that.

Now I wait...
Luke's POV

Ugh... have I been drinking. My head... feels like I've been hit by a bus. I slowly bring my hands up to my face to rub my aching eyes. Wtf. I can't reach my face. I peel open my eyes. It is blurry asf and my head is pounding.

I keep trying until my eyes are fully adjusted to my surroundings.

"Where the hell am I." I say in a low growl.

"Miss me?" I heard a woman's voice say.

"I must be hallucinating. Wtf did I take." I said lowly.

A sharp searing pain ripped through my wrist.

"Nina is that you?" I called out. I couldn't see anyone. These restraints were starting to piss me off.

"Why the hell am I shackled. Did Aden put you up to this." I said.

Just then I saw Cas. Wtf I thought she's dead.

"Cas is that you?" I squinted my eyes. Trying hard to see her. Another sharp searing pain came through and I groaned.

"What are you doing. Get this sh!t off of me. What's wrong with you. Last I knew you tried to kill me. You were shot by my brothers snipers. I thought you were dead. I went to your funeral. I even cried for you." I said to her.

"I tried to make us work. When I called you over that day with your family, I thought we could talk about being together again. I really missed you Luke. You got me to fall I love with you, then you dropped me cold turkey." She laughed like a hyena at the last part.

"What no. I didn't drop you cold turkey. I told you I won't live without Nina. Remember when I let you go? I told you that I loved Nina and I couldn't give her up. You knew she was first and you accepted it." I yelled at her.

Dammit she clicked a button from a keychain and the searing pain on my wrist came again.

"Would you stop doing that." I yelled at her.

She smiled and put it in her pocket.

"You hungry? I made dinner." She said before walking out of this makeshift bedroom.

This crazy B!t€h.

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