Chapter 11: The Villain's Lover... XP

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    (a/n: funny yet annoying title eh? Sorry, but I can't think of anything better...)


    Several weeks had passed... The City became at peace again and the people started to forget what had happened and looked forward.


    "Auntie! Have you seen my ID?!  You said that the guard won't let me in if I don't have it on ", Kiara said while combing her hair.

    "Right here... Kiara, do you want me to help you fix your hair? ", Selena asked, handing Kiara her ID.

    "Uh, no thank you... So, I'll be going now! Bye Auntie! Bye Grandma! ", Kiara said as she left.

Selena's POV

    I watched Kiara from the balcony of our house as she ran towards her school until she's no longer in sight...

    I wonder what's Luna doing at the moment... Is she alright? Where is she staying? Is she crying, laughing or just being the usual Luna???

    It's been weeks since I last saw her... And the last thing she told me was to take care of Kiara... She didn't even tell me where was she headed to
    I suddenly shed a tear and on an instant, I thought I sensed her aura nearby...

    "Luna? Are you here? ", I said as I went to the garden

    "Selena? Who're you talking to? ", Granny said as she approached.

    "N-No... N-Nothing...", I tried to flash a smile and we entered back inside our house.

Luna's POV

    The moment I woke up, I felt my energy completely drained and I couldn't almost open my eyes... I tried to sat on my bed but I just couldn't...

    "So, you're awake... ", a white-haired man said as he approached me... Wait... This man... He's---

    "Z-Zion... What happened? W-What are you doing here? And why are you even here? ", I asked coldly... He just chuckled a bit and leaned closer to me... I gulped and... Dang! I remember it now!

    I avoided his his gaze and fell silent.

    "Heh! Somehow, you changed... Here, eat this", he said as he placed a tray of bread and meat on the bedside table.

    I didn't say a thing and just took a bite of the bread...

    "I-If I may a-ask... H-How did you find me? I mean, I'm here in the Western Border and the Seratsu Clan moved near the Eastern border... Sure thing it would've been difficult for you to find me... ", I said, not looking at him.

    "Seriously? I have my own ways... ", he started as he sat beside me.

Zion's POV

    Hmmm, I don't know where to start... But maybe, I'll start from the very beginning...

    As you know, I am Zion Seratsu... The second son of the Seratsu Clan's Master's Wife. I have an older brother and younger sister... All of us have different mothers... My older brother's mother was a eunuch of the Clan... My younger sister's mother was our father's lover... My mom? The heir and the only daughter of the Austres Clan, the wealthiest Clan in the Northeastern Border... That's why I became the heir of the Seratsu Clan...

    I was always kept inside for my protection... And I hated it... That's why I sneaked out, went to a forest somewhere in the Western Border, since the Seratsu Clan was once located in the Southwestern Border...

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