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  I hate nighttime because that means sleeping

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I hate nighttime because that means sleeping. Usually when it gets dark and I feel my eyes droop from drowsiness, I pound the sleeping pills. I have to do this, it's the only way I can knock out without any disturbances. But tonight, come to find out, I ran out. How? Why? When? I can't believe I didn't notice, I'm usually on point with restocking, but guess not tonight. A surge of panic crawls through my veins and throughout my body. My chest aches with anxiety and my heart beats loud and fast. "Fuck!" I yell out in the empty house. My roommate went out and most likely won't be back until early in the morning. Pulling my hair in distress, I take a deep breath. "Breathe Jimin, breathe." I whisper to myself. Shakily, I climb into my bed pulling the fluffy, ivory covers onto my tense body. Just sleep, I think, attempting to lull myself to sleep. It takes a good hour or two to finally drift off only to be woken by my own screams. This always happens, as soon as I'm asleep I end up writhing around on my lavender sheets. Sweat slicked on my face and neck. Tears gliding down my cheeks and sobs breaking from my rosy lips. My best friend aka my roommate is usually here to help when I'm going through this. He's the only one who knows the reason for them. Sitting up, I wipe my face of the pain and get up. I slide my feet into my slides and walk to the kitchen. Pouring myself a glass of water, I sigh running my hand through my thick, dark locks. When will this ever end? Why me? No one can help the baggage and trauma, some more severe than others. But at the end of the day we're all fucked up. I giggle at the thought. It's funny when people put on masks pretending that they're not fucked up inside. What's more funny is that I'm one of those people. I set the glass in the sink when I finished, trudging back to my bedroom. I lay on my back looking at the ceiling, tracing imaginary patterns with my eyes. I look at my phone that rested on my bedside table. Should I call him? ...Nah, I don't want to be bothersome. Guess I have to deal with this alone. "Jimin, fuck. I'm so super duper sorry. I didn't mean to stay out so late, I just had to help out at my mo-" "It's fine Hobi, I was ok. I'm a grown man, I can handle a nightmare. Plus, what you were doing is important." I say, cutting him off. "You sure?" The red head questioned, still unsure. "Yes, also you're always there for me so it's fine. Let me help you out for once." I assure him, pulling him into an embrace.

"Hey Kook!" I yell as I walk into the shop. There were no customers yet so my yelling didn't bother anyone. "'Sup Min." The raven head flashed a smile at me. "Where's Joon and Yoongi?" I asked already "knowing" the answer. "Oh, they're in a meeting with the boss." He replied seriously. I didn't expect that answer. "Oh. Am I finally gonna meet the 'boss' today?" I inquire hopefully. "Probably not." Jungkook replied to my dismay. I got this job about 8 months ago and when I was interviewed it was by Yoongi. All they have told me was Namjoon is the manager and runs the shop, but the boss is the one who runs behind the scenes. With that fact, I haven't seen or talked to the boss. I don't know what he looks like, sounds like, I don't even know his name. "Don't be down, you'll probably meet him one day. Hopefully you won't have to meet him for something bad." The younger told me, while setting up his station. Right now all I can think of was my nightmare. Even when I was tending to a customer, my mind wasn't fully there. "Sir." The small lady snapped, gaining my attention. "Sorry. You picked out what you want?" I asked, giving her an apologetic smile. "Yes, I want a moon and under it the words 'sweet dreams'." She told me pointing at the moon design. How ironic, a guy who hates dreaming is gonna tattoo such a saying on someone. "Cool choice." I lied, "Where do you want it?" She points to a section of her upper back. "Here." She says nonchalant. "That's gonna hurt." I warn her, but she rolls her eyes. "I can take it." Was all she says before I began. Today was fairly busy so my mind didn't wander too much later in the day. Packing up, a frantic Jungkook rushes over to me. "You good?" I ask, genuinely concerned. " guess. I don't know but holy shit! The boss is coming in about 5 minutes. So if you want your chance to meet him, I suggest you stay a bit." The younger explained frantically while I lost my shit. "Wait! Why is he coming all of a sudden?!" I panicked. "Chill out. He rarely but does come occasionally to check on the shop and talk to certain workers. Like Namjoon, Yoongi, and I." My jaw was on the floor. "I'm super anxious but also low-key excited and I-" "Hush, Namjoon's calling." Jungkook cuts me off, answering the phone. After the brief call, he finally looked at me. "They'll be here in literally like a minute so brace yourself." I nod, unable to speak. I felt the anxiety bubble in my stomach, swirling around non-stop. Suddenly the shop's door swings open, revealing the most stunning man I've ever seen. He has thick, slightly wavy, dark brown hair and thick eyebrows. He is covered in neck tattoos and has a small cross tattooed near his right eye. His skin was honey colored and even. His face was structured beautifully but his eyes...his eyes were captivating. So sharp and angular, intimidating yet seductive...he is literal perfection. The man walked in alongside Yoongi and Namjoon. Even his walk screamed power and dominance. "Who's this? I thought all of the other workers went home." I almost melted, his voice was deep and sultry. "This is Park Jimin, he's been wanting to meet you since he's starting working here." Jungkook answered smirking slightly. That bastard, I'm going to curse him out later. "Oh really? Why's that?" The boss asked wearing an amused expression. He was now facing towards me. His deep brown eyes peered into mine as if he was searching through my soul. "I've heard about you and have been curious, that's all." I reply staring back at him through my lashes. "What's your name kid?" He asked smirking . "Well, I'm definitely not a kid and Jungkook already told you." I sassed, completely disregarding the fact that he's my boss. All he did was chuckle, "I like you. But I still want you to introduce yourself since you're not a kid. I'm sure you can speak for yourself, am I right?" Fuck him and his smug face. "Yes. My name is Park Jimin, 19 years old, 5'8, since you want an introduction." I spat watching him grin at my response. "I should've met you sooner, you're feisty. How come you guys haven't introduced me to him sooner?" The fancily dressed man spoke to my co-workers. They just shrugged. "Anyways, I need to talk to you Jungkook. I already filled Namjoon and Yoongi in." I watched as my younger co-worker left with the intimidatingly handsome man. "I just realized that he never told me his name." I blurted, catching the two others' attention. "You can just call him 'V'." Namjoon told me nonchalantly. "V? That can't be his real name." I say in disbelief, one eyebrow raised in suspicion. "Well duh, but you don't need to know his real name. If you want to address him, just call him 'V'." Yoongi spoke in a suddenly serious tone. I nodded my head yes, deciding not to speak up.

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