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Yay, my OTP! Also, I said I wouldn't break your heart, but that's too boring. But don't worry, it's nice and fluffy at the end :)

She snuggled against his chest, and breathed in an aroma of pine trees and smoke. Moments like these were what made Elide live. Not just survive, but live. Their shared body heat warmed the bed and their hearts. While she looked up at the face of her mate, her protector, she was looking at perfection.

But the perfection started to change. A straight nose morphed into a crooked, bulbous one. His jawline started to vanish. His height got shorter and shorter, his frame grew larger and larger. Until she was staring at


Her kidnapper, her abuser. Her uncle.

A wicked grin flickered across his face.

'Elide, my love, it's bedtime.' Lust gleamed in his eyes. It disgusted her that he could feel this way about a minor, and his niece at that.

'Noooo, please, not again! I-it hurts me so much, and you know that-'

Pain coursed through her cheek, and remained there, tingling. He'd slapped her. She was used to it, but every time he did it, she was just as shocked.

'Please. Don't. Nooo-'

She was having nightmares again. Every time Elide screamed, Lorcan was reminded of her abusive uncle Vernon, and his possessive instincts for his mate set in. He shook her by the shoulders, and she awoke immediately.

'I-it happ-pened again.'

'I know, I know.'

Her smile was sheepish, but it wasn't forced. Her nightmares weren't as frequent, but they were always just as bad. But sometimes they were worth it, because she got to wake up to him.

'Elide, you know I would never hurt you.'

'I know. You'd be too scared of me.'

He chuckled. Good, she was back to her usual badass self.

'Do you want to talk about it?'

'You've heard it enough. I bet you're sick of it.' All those years in Morath had really damaged her self esteem.

'Elide, I'd never be sick of you, or anything you say.'

Without having realised it, their faces seemed to have edged closer and closer, until they were breathing the air that had just run through the other's lungs. But it wasn't close enough. Elide connected her lips with Lorcan's, as time seemed to stop, and they shared a slow, unrushed kiss. They had all the time in the world.

Their lips separated, and Elide slowly opened her eyelids, her eyelashes fluttering across Lorcan's cheeks.

'We talk about me all the time. I want to talk about you.'


'So I grew up in the French court, oui oui, bonjour, until a hurricane came, and devastation reigned.'

Lorcan was French? How was she only finding this out about her mate now? Suddenly Elide felt very selfish. All they ever talked about was her, and turns out she didn't even know where her mate was from.

'Moved in with my cousin in Wendllyn, my cousin commited suicide...'

She was disgusted with herself. Her mate had had an equally as bad, if not worse childhood than her, and she had been too selfish to even realise it.

'Don't think like that.'

'I'm not thinking anything.' She was lying of course.

'Don't lie. I know what you were thinking. You know how I know? Because you get a little dimple right-' he stroked the little dimple knotted between her brows. '-there when you're mad at yourself. And because I'm your mate.'

Wow he really did know her. A lot more than she knew him.

'Elide, you are the kindest, bravest, most selfless girl I know, and you've been through a lot. You deserve to talk about it.'

She simply rolled her eyes, but was secretly loving the flattery.

'Well if you want to know me like I know you, maybe you should stop wallowing in your own self-loathing for once, and actually listen to me', he smirked. He was always smirking.

She didn't like to admit it- she never liked to admit it, she liked to be the smart one in the relationship, but he had a point.

'You have a point. I should just go back to loathing you instead.'

'Hey, hey, hey, that is not what I said.'

'What was it like in the French court?'

'Gorgeous. Like you. It was always sunny. Unlike you.'

His feisty little bunny whacked him over the head with a pillow.

'Hey, that's a good thing! Too much sun can um... give you a sunburn?'

Rolling her eyes, she hit him over the head once more. 'Anyways, continue.'

'I was verrry reliable with the ladies', he purred, smirking again. So she hit him over the head again.

'Just kidding! I was only five when my parents...'

Ouch. She must've hit a sensitive spot there, as his soft eyes were now brimming with salty tears. So the five foot fairy cradled the seven foot giant in her arms, rocking him into serenity.

He sobbed into her arms. Gods, when was the last time anyone had seen him cry? 500 years ago perhaps? It didn't matter though. She was his home. She wouldn't turn his weaknesses into weapons to be used against him.

'Funny how I was the one with the nightmares, but you're the one getting comforted', she muttered into his ear.

But she got no reply. He was already asleep in her arms.

Helloooooo, it's me. I hope I'm not being annoying, but sometimes I don't know if people actually enjoy reading my stuff, so if you do, if it's not a bother, could you please give them a like or something, because I don't really want to waste my time on something that nobody likes.

Thank youuu.

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