Nehemia x Fenrys

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Ok, so this is set before Nehemia went to Adarlan, and Fenrys is visiting Eyllwe on account of Meabh.

Fenrys' POV:
The journey to Eyllwe was long, but at least that meant extra time away from being Maeve's whore. Even so, I have to admit I was a little glad when the ship was in the harbour, and I could step off of the buoyant surface and stretch my legs on stable land.

I'm greeted by a warm, orange sunrise in the dry climate of Eyllwe. Paintings did not do it justice. A hazy dreamlike quality surrounds the delicate, soft layer of orange tinted sand, and the beautiful Moorish temples. If I could run away from Maeve to anywhere, I would choose here.

But no. I am bloodsworn to her, something I would've never chosen to do, something I grew up with thinking of as worse than death. But I was wrong. What could've been worse than me suffering would be my foolish twin Connall suffering. If only I could turn back time to tell him that he was loved, that he didn't need to be bloodsworn to anyone to be worth anything.

But I didn't. And now I must pay.

Worse than that, I have to pretend to enjoy  it. Because if word got out that Maeve had whores and slaves, her reputation would be demolished. And I have to pretend for Connall, because I can't let him believe it was his fault. It wasn't. Not really.

Shoving my depressing thoughts away, I climb the sandstone stairs up to the magnificent palace of Eyllwe, watching the fountains squirt up over the flowered garden. Underneath the ornately carved archway, I knock.

A young girl, 14 or 15, maybe, opens the door. She wears typical Eyllwe clothes, but nothing too fancy, so I know she is a servant. But behind her stands the most beautiful being I have every laid eyes on.

Dark velvety skin, curly black hair pulled into tiny braids, adorned with golden clips, and piercing copper brown eyes, I'd never thought that someone could look that beautiful before. Well, apart from me of course.

'Aria, I can get it myself. Just because I am a princess doesn't make me useless. I hope not, anyways,' the beautiful stranger who must be crown princess of Eyllwe, says to the servant, her voice smooth like butter.

'Greetings,' I say, clearing my throat. It feels odd, because I usually speak casually and freely with anyone, no matter their status. But I am to act on behalf of Maeve, so I need to make sure that these people will take me seriously. But that doesn't mean that I cant be just a little flirty 'My name is Lord Fenrys Moonbeam the Handsome, and I have come here on behalf of my Queen, Maeve of Doranelle, to discuss an alliance between Eyllwe and the Fae. And I'll guess you are Princess Nehemia Yt-yt,' I stumble over her surname, purposely of course, so I can hit her with my smooth flirting skillz.

'It's Ytger,' she frowns.

'Oh sorry, my bad. It's just, I thought it was Moonbeam,' I smirk.

'Save your fancy titles for the meeting,' she says, changing the subject, barely giving me a glance, before flicking her eyes away to look at whatever could be more interesting than my face. 'Come this way.' She gestures with her fingers, and I followed her up one of the two starecases in the hallway, almost tripping on her long, white, flowy chiffon dress, obviously designed to keep her cool.

I try to make conversation with her, but everytime she answers with short, mainly one-worded answers. It's driving me crazy. Nobody has every rejected me before, or refused my conversation. It doesn't make any sense. I'm sure she won't be able to resist my charm after a while.

Nehemia's POV:
I'll admit, he's the most beautiful human being I've ever laid my eyes on, but that's exactly the problem, isn't it. Males like him are always arrogant, since they always get what they want. And what he wants is me. It's obvious. Not just by his failure at flirtation, but also by the way his shiny, onyx eyes, lined with perfectly long, golden lashes, practically bulged out of his head, and how his delicately pointed ears blushed slightly pink when he saw me.

Ok, so maybe I like him a little bit. It's not that big of a deal.

Anyways, I can't let myself, the Crown Princess of Eyllwe, stoop down to the level of one of Queen Maeve's... male friends. Least of all, one as arrogant as him.

I gesture for him to follow me, and I lead him up the staircase, to the room that he'll be staying for the night, until we have our meeting.

I'm about to leave, and grunt 'goodnight,' but Fenrys has other plans. He grabs my arm and says 'Stay.'

I walk away.


I am awoken by the golden sun filtering through my window. Hopping off my four-poster bed, I rush to the elegant white gown hanging in my wardrobe, and put it on before one of my servants can do it for me. The cons of being a princess are that you're expected to be helpless, and needing of a servant for everyday tasks. If only they could see me wielding the wooden staff of Eyllwe.

Knock knock. My personal maid, Aria, a girl of merely 14 years, is here. Honestly I find it unjust that a child like her should be tending to me, a perfectly capable adult, when she should be enjoying the last of her childhood. As soon as I'm queen, I shall make sure that no child shall be made work for a living, that all children shall be allowed be children.

'Nehemia!' she calls. 'Nehemia, you have a visitor.'

'Let them in, dear, I am dressed.'

Aria opens the door, and through my sleepy eyes I make out a tall figure with gorgeously long golden locks. It's Fenrys.

'I'll leave you two alone,' she calls, and shuts the door behind her before I have the chance to object. I swear, I can hear her snickering from the outside of my room.

'What brings you here?' I demand, although my voice wobbles a little. Gods, he is so intimidating.

'Isn't it obvious? You,' he smirks, something I'm sure he's well used to doing. 'It's obvious you want me. I've never seen anyone as flustered before.'

Excuse me? Well, two can play at that game, so, i wind a piece of his golden hair in between my fingers, and lean towards him. Licking my lips, I whisper 'why would the Crown Princess of Eyllwe want to tumble around with the whore of a fraud like Maeve?'

Hurt flashes across his eyes. He stands up and rushes out of the room, and I know I've gone too far.

Hello. So basically, I'm splitting this up into two parts because it was a little long, so if you liked this one, please give it a like, as I am a needy, depressed human being who needs validation, and also if I don't get any likes, I will probably think that everyone hates my stuff, and I won't continue :)

Anyways, to end on a positive note, I have almost 1k views, but they're becoming lesser and lesser as the chapters go on.

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