4- midnight heist

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In the lost cities this chapter!

"Foster shh." Keefe hissed.

I rolled my eyes. And in the corner of my vision I could see Keefe's head shake in annoyance. Why were we even on this stupid mission. I'm so bored. And why is Keefe so annoyed with me? It's not like we are doing anything.

Well, technically we are. Forkle decided to put us on a 'midnight heist' as Keefe called it. He needs a stupid key for who knows what. The key is supposedly at Lady Gisela's secret mansion. At midnight, the security is less focused and we are waiting for the right cue to go in and scope out the places we narrowed down.

"Why are you so annoyed with me Keefe?" I turned towards him. It was quite a pretty scene, on a balcony, crouching down, under the stars, in all black gear.

Okay maybe not. "No seriously whats the matter?"

He sighed and hesitated. "I didn't want to do this mission with you." He whispered not quite meeting my eyes.

I sucked a breath in. Wow my own boyfriend didn't want to do something exciting and thrilling with me.

"Wow thanks youre a wonderful boyfriend. You know maybe I should just go. It's obvious you don't want me here, and frankly... I'm very tired! So-"

"Sophie I don't want to argue with you right now."

He called me Sophie. He never does unless he's mad.

"I don't want you to get hurt and I knew we would argue okay?" He mumbled. "I knew we would both be stressed for each other, and that our feelings would get in the way!"

A guard peeked his head from the window we were watching at, and we both levitaed up a few feet in panic.

I could see Keefe's blue eyes even in the complete darkness.

"I'm sorry I don't.. I don't know why im acting like this. We should just get through the mission and sort this out later." I said lowering myself after the guard closed the curtain.

He lowered himself too. Slower than me like he was unsure of something.

"Yeah. Definitely." He said. "Okay I'm going in."

"Do you think it's safe right now-" I stopped short, processing his words again carefully. "Wait. I?"

"What?" He said.

"You said "'I'". As in "'I'm going in not you.'" I hissed crossing my arms.

"It's too dangerous stay here."

"Absolutely not."


After arguing again he finally broke and we made a plan. I think it was funny how I was the one kind of fooling around not Keefe. He seemed to be taking this oddly seriously. Well, it kinda was a suicide mission.

I should be stressed and uneasy but I wasn't. I was fooling around. On a suicide mission.

I looked at Keefe. His back was towards me and we were inside a dark room. I could only see his blonde hair right now but I bet if he turned, I would be able to see those icy blue eyes I fell in love with.

Somehow, and not intentionally, I think his presence was calming me.

Forkle was a weird genius I laughed in my deep thoughts.

Keefe opened the door slowly and looking out in the hallway.

Left right left right left right. He turned his head making sure the coast was clear.

We came by earlier and got Tam to put shadows over security. We made show they got cast over at the time we would be there not to cast suspicion.

Right as we stepped out into the light, I felt two strong arms close around my body.


"Sophie!" Keefe yelled.

I bit down a scream so I would not raise alarm. "Go Keefe! Be careful I got this!."

He hesitated and looked back and forth. "I love you." He finally whispered.

"I love you too." My voice cracked as I was getting dragged away and fighting for freedom.


oof that was tough to write aha I actually just took the title of a story im currently writing for a contest and changed it into sokeefe. except the story has nothing to do with anything that just went on except for a heist lmao anyway I hope you enjoyed and I hope you will show support and vote <3

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