17- pillowtalk

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"Come on, Soph! One more drink!" Biana whined.

Sophie laughed as she snatched the red solo cup out out of Biana's hand and handing it to Keefe, who was obviously just as amused at drunk Biana.

"We are not friends anymore!" She pouted.

"Sorry, B. You're starting to get a little crazy and you look tired. Why don't you go to bed? Come on." Sophie suggested.

"No. I have lots of energy! I'll show you. Catch me Keefe!" She squealed jumping onto Keefe giggling.

Sophie burst into laughter as Keefe basically peeled Biana off his chest.

"Nuh-uh, Beauty Queen," he stared into her eyes smiling, and Sophie felt a pang of jealousy. "Yeah lets put you to bed before you throw up all over my new jacket." He picked Biana up so she was draped over Keefe's shoulders like a sack of hay.

"Put. Me. Down!" Biana screamed. She began to thrash but no one was really paying attention since mostly everybody was drunk or passed out.

Keefe ran up the Everglen stairs, skipping sarcastically with joy. Sophie followed him giggling until they reached Biana's bedroom door.

"Wait, Keefe." Sophie stopped him. "What if there's-"

"What if there's what?" Biana slurred.

Keefe thought for a moment and then knocked.

No answer.

They both looked at each other and shrugged before swinging the door open.

Sophie was correct. There was a couple making out on Biana's bed half naked.

Biana flipped off Keefe's shoulder and he cursed.

"What is happening in my bedroom!" She yelled at the couple.

Seems she wasn't drunk enough to ream out a couple. They broke apart staring at Biana with shock.

"Put on your clothes and stop eating each other in my bedroom! Gross!" She exclaimed.

"Where are we supposed to go?" The girl asked, annoyed.

"Ugh, does it look like I care? Have sex outside my door for all I care just NOT on my bed or in my room. Now get out!" She grabbed their arms and started pushing them out of the room. "The only person who gets to use my room for activities like that is me! And my bestie Soph if she needs it."

She slammed the door and turned around to a jaw dropped Keefe and Soph.

"Classy." Sophie mumbled.

"Who do you plan on using the bed with, Soph?" Keefe smirked.

She slapped his arm.

Biana stumbled over to her bed and collapsed on it. "I'm tired." She slurred.

And then she threw up.


"Well," Keefe sighed leaning against the fridge and sliding down. "That was fun."

Sophie sat beside him nervously. She had never been alone with him this late at night.

The house was quiet and stunk of alcohol.

"Some would say." She breathed.

"So you going home?" He asked.

"Nah. I promised B I would stay over."

"I told Fitz I would too. But he's definitely hooking up with someone upstairs." Keefe laughed.

Sophie smiled. "I'm going to go find somewhere to sleep. Come with?"

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