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The words on the sign above them were stark and foreboding - "Danger: Flying Rocks." Hazel read the words quietly to herself, her voice almost silent in the stillness as she waited for Ben to return from his mission upstairs. He had gone to persuade Mal to come back, to face whatever demons she was avoiding back in Auradon. As the silence continued, Hazel found her foot connecting with a smattering of loose rocks under her boots, their clattering sounds punctuating the quiet.

"I didn't think the Isle was this," Hazel began, her voice trailing off as she stared at the ground. After a moment, she continued, her voice barely above a whisper, "dark." She raised her gaze, meeting the steady stares of the villains who surrounded her. "I imagined there would be better living conditions, better food. I'm sorry for misunderstanding more than I thought," she admitted, her voice filled with sincere regret.

"We managed," was Jay's response, a small smile gracing his features. It was a smile that spoke volumes about their resilience, their ability to endure. Hazel echoed his smile, though hers was a mere shadow of his, filled with empathy and a hint of sadness.

"Things are changing, at least," Hazel attempted to instill some optimism into the conversation, her voice carrying a warmth that belied the cold reality of their surroundings. Friendship with villains was a notion she had always entertained. And here she was, on the Isle, trying her best to bring one of them back. She found an unexpected kinship with them so quickly and deeply, a connection that was somehow stronger than the one she had with the world of pretty pink princesses she had left behind for the night.

Seconds turned into minutes, each ticking by with agonizing slowness. The tension was palpable as they waited for Ben to return. When he finally descended the stairs, his face was a mask, hiding the hard truths they were about to hear.

"She's not coming back," he announced, his words like a punch to the gut.

Hazel rose to her feet, her brows furrowing in confusion and disappointment. She could only shake her head as Evie approached a cone-shaped device embedded in the wall, a rudimentary form of communication. Evie tried to reach out to Mal, but was met only with a voice filled with rage and a demand to be left alone.

"Let's give her a couple of hours to cool off," Jay suggested, his voice steady despite the grim news. Evie nodded in agreement, her silence echoing her acceptance of the situation. Then it was Carlos who broke the silence.

"Where's Ben?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of concern.

They all turned to look down the alleyway they had come from. A shadowy figure was making its way towards them. They held their collective breath, hoping against hope that it was Ben.

"Ben, don't scare us like that," Hazel admonished, her arms crossed over her chest in a protective gesture.

"Don't scare you?" The voice was chilling, a voice that Hazel instantly got chills hearing.

Hazel was about to step forward when the three villains moved to block her path. "But that's my specialty," Harry Hook continued, a sinister smirk playing on his lips. Hazel turned stoic when she could reach Hook, wanting nothing more than her best friend safely back in her presence.

"Where's my brother?" Hazel had asked, venom laced in her tone.

"Does the king need his sweet little sister to protect him?" Harry antagonized her, holding up his villainous front towards her in front of Evie, Jay and Carlos. "But you're not really his sister."

"Blood doesn't make you family in most cases." Hazel felt Evie hold her hand. She didn't know wether is was to calm her down or because she'd realized they were her family.

Harry's smirk was disconcerting, throwing Hazel's thoughts into disarray. He glanced at Hazel, his eyes dancing with amusement as he chuckled, a sound that sent an unpleasant shiver down her spine.

"What did you do with Ben?" Jay demanded, his voice thundering in the narrow alleyway.

"Oh! Uh, we took him," Harry replied, a nonchalant shrug accompanying his words. "If you want to see him again, tell Mal to come to the Chip Shoppe tonight. Alone," he added, the implication of his words hanging heavy in the air.

Hazel, gathering all her courage, stepped forward, moving through the three villains to stand face to face with Harry Hook. His smirk broadened, clearly amused by her audacity.

"Uma wants a visit," he said, his gaze boring into Hazel's. Then he looked over her shoulder, a smug comment ready on his lips. "Aw, Jay. Seems like you've lost your touch. She gives me more of a fright than you do." Jay was about to retaliate when Evie stepped in, holding him back.

"Nice eyeliner, Hook," Hazel retorted, her words catching Harry off guard. But the surprise quickly turned into amusement as he brought his hook up to touch her bright, fiery hair. Hazel swiftly grabbed his wrist, his smirk only growing wider at her audacious move.

"I'll see you again, Miss Pan," Harry turned away, his whistle echoing ominously as he sauntered down the alleyway. Hazel clenched her fists, her anger simmering under the surface until Evie and Carlos stepped in, their hands on her shoulders offering a silent reassurance.

Together, they made their way upstairs to deliver the unfortunate news to Mal.

Mal's reaction was predictable. She was furious about Ben being brought to the Isle and even more so about him being taken by Uma and her crew. She made it abundantly clear that she would be the one to retrieve Ben and that there was no room for negotiation. No one would be helping her.

"I know one thing," Carlos stated, turning to face Hazel, Evie, and Jay. "I'm not going."

Jay sighed in resignation, "We'll be here when you get back."

As Mal turned to leave, Hazel reached out, stopping her. "Be safe," she advised, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Don't let them get to you." Hazel wrapped her arms around her in a comforting hug. After a moment, Mal returned the gesture, the simple act of affection serving as a grounding force amidst the chaos. Hazel still hadn't forgotten she needed meet with Mal privately, but in a more relaxed setting.

A couple hours seemed to pass before Mal returned, her face a mask of defeat. Hazel saw the despair in Mal's eyes.

"There's no way we're going to give Uma the wand," Evie declared, her voice strong and resolute. "We can't let her destroy Auradon."

"If Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben is done for," Carlos countered, his logical argument causing a wave of unease to wash over them.

"Right, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand?" Evie retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Hazel sat back, watching the heated exchange between the three villains. Then Mal suggested using their 3-D printer to create a fake wand. The idea was risky, but it was the only one they had.

"Smoke bombs!" Jay suggested, his voice filled with newfound hope. Hazel felt a surge of optimism. She desperately wanted the plan to work, not just for Ben's sake, but also for the slim chance that Harry Hook might come to Auradon.

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