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As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long, dancing shadows, Hazel made the unexpected, yet somehow courageous decision to separate herself from our small, intimate group to look for Ben. We were meandering through the dense, leafy wilderness, the trees standing like silent sentinels around us. My eyes, filled with concern, never strayed from her slender, fragile form. Hazel had, in recent hours, shown signs of weakening, a subtle change in her demeanor that had not gone unnoticed since Mal slowed her curse. As such, I was alert and ready to be her safety net if she were to stumble and fall.

Her hair, a vibrant and fiery shade of crimson, danced and fluttered in the gentle breeze, a living flame amidst the cool, verdant scenery. Her eyes, a captivating mix of brown and green, glittered with an internal light, even as the sun's brilliance began to fade. She was a mesmerizing sight to behold, a living, breathing painting brought to life amidst the canvas of the wilderness. But before I could fully take in the overwhelming fullness of her beauty, the sound of Jay's voice cut through my reverie, as sharp as a knife slicing through soft butter.

"Don't mess with her," he warned, his voice stern and unyielding. "I see you staring."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, Jay?" I retorted in defiance, my voice ringing out against the quiet rustling of the leaves.

"This isn't about me," Jay countered, his voice softening ever so slightly. "This is about change. You're bad news. I care for her; she's my friend."

"And what makes you think I don't care?" I shot back, my eyes never leaving Hazel's form. The sight of her fiery hair stood in stark contrast to her soft, hazel-colored eyes. It was a beautiful juxtaposition, a testament to the complexity and depth of her character.

"Because you're a Hook," Jay said dismissively. His words stung, a painful sting that echoed in my chest, but I didn't let it show. I felt a surge of anger, a bubbling, seething urge to strike him, but the soothing presence of Hazel managed to calm my raging emotions.

Hazel, Gil, Carlos, and Jay made their way towards a bush heavily laden with ripe, juicy berries. It was Gil who suggested a game to break the ice, a simple yet effective means of easing the tension. Despite my initial reluctance, I found myself drawn into participating. Hazel's infectious smile, her eyes twinkling with unspoken joy, was a balm to my wounds, and I found myself irresistibly drawn to the warmth it radiated.

As the game progressed, Gil praised Jay's agility, Jay teased Gil for his fascination with the berry bush, and then it was Hazel's turn. She turned to me, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and said, "Red looks good on you." I couldn't help but return her smile, my heart beating a little faster.

"It looks good on you too, princess," I said, my hook gently grazing her fiery locks. Jay's glare held no power over me; my focus was solely on Hazel.

Our moment, as brief as it was, was interrupted by Carlos's dog. Jay instinctively stepped between us, protective and wary. I dropped my arm, my focus shifting.

"Your mutt went that way," I told Carlos with an air of indifference, my voice devoid of emotion as I pointed in the direction the dog had scampered off to. I turned and walked away, Hazel's voice, conversing with Jay, following me with a soft echo. But I was too engrossed in following the dog to pay it any mind.

When we finally caught up, Hazel began gently stroking the dog's fur, her fingers running through its coat with a gentleness that was awe-inspiring. Her strength, despite everything she had been through, was astounding. The curse that the scepter had cast upon her was not lost on her, and she knew she might not be able to defeat it. If things took a turn for the worse, she might have no other choice but to seek help from Hades, a thought that filled me with dread. I wanted her to make it, to overcome this obstacle.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by a beast's roar, a sound that echoed through the wilderness, causing birds to take flight. As Ben, he'd been turned into a half-beast, emerged from the trees, Jay and Carlos tried to reason with him.

"His hand," Hazel took noice to something emerging from his skin. Carlos was cautious as he approached the beast version of Ben, only wanting to help his friend.

A dark-haired girl in a blue outfit caught my eye as she traveled into sight. But she was no Hazel.

The mystery girl ended up spraying a magic substance in his face with a water sprayer. It seemed to work, as Ben became less beastly, not yet fully human again.

I saw Hazel sitting with Ben after we all had calmed down, and a pang of jealousy went through me. I joined them, a smirk playing on my lips as I glanced at Ben. Hazel patiently explained our precarious situation, highlighting Mal's ember as our only defense against Audrey.

Suddenly, Hazel coughed, one hand clutching her chest as if in pain and the other clutching beside her. My worry for her increased tenfold. Ben asked what had happened to her, and she explained that her powers were slowly being stripped away, her voice filled with a quiet resignation.

"You're going to be okay, right?" Ben had asked her.

"Mal slowed down the curse, but I'm getting weaker without my power."

Jay and Carlos, upon noticing our close proximity, caused a flush to creep onto Hazel's cheeks. She was careful to keep her face hidden from me. We soon left to meet Mal and the others, with Hazel leading the way, her steps sure and confident as she was. I noticed her skin growing pale again, a stark contrast to her fiery hair, and my worry deepened.

"I forgot something at my cottage, I'll meet you all back with everyone else," Hazel said, turning to leave. Ben insisted she needed company, my heart pounding in anticipation.

"Zel, I'm worried about you. We need to find a way to help you first."

"And I get why, Ben, but i promise it won't take me long."

"I'll go with her," I announced, an edge of nervousness in my voice to be around her alone.

Jay tried to intervene, but Hazel stood up for me. "If Hook actually wanted me dead, he would've let me drown the day we went to save Ben," she said, her voice steady and sure.

Jay eventually agreed, albeit reluctantly, and I followed Hazel to her cottage. Along the way, we found a basket of fruits Hazel had dropped earlier, the fruits scattered on the ground. She grabbed the basket and insisted we leave the fruits, her eyes focused on the path ahead.

Once at the cottage, Hazel called out for Tinker Bell. We found the small fairy asleep on Hazel's desk, a peaceful look on her face. Hazel apologized to Tinker Bell and made her comfortable on a small silk pillow and covered her with a small square cloth. Her actions speaking volumes about her caring nature.

Seeing Hazel upset and tearing up, I reached out, gently wiping away her tears with my thumb. "You're too pretty to cry, princess," I reassured her, giving her a comforting smile in an attempt to lighten her mood.

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