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In the quaint comfort of her cottage, Hazel sat on her bed while her fairy friends flitted around her, their tiny hands applying makeup to her face with a gentle touch. The quiet tranquillity of the scene was disrupted by Hazel's thoughts, which were preoccupied by the son of Captain Hook. An unlikely saviour, he had rescued Hazel, and now she found herself not wanting to make an enemy of him.

"Tink," She whispered to Tinker Bell, her voice barely audible.

"Yes?" The fairy's voice was high-pitched and as delicate as the rustling of leaves.

"Do you think the villain kids are innocent?" Hazel asked, her question hanging in the air. Tinker Bell paused, her hands holding a small lipstick that was frozen mid-air, just inches from Hazel's lips.

"What are you suggesting?" The question from Tinker Bell was met with silence. Hazel's eyes scanned the room, landing on her other fairy friends who had stopped their tasks to listen.

"I'm just curious," She lied, her gaze falling to her fingers that were nervously weaving themselves together in her lap. The silence returned, heavier this time, as though it was a living entity.

Once Hazel's makeup was done to perfection, and her outfit was immaculately arranged, she picked up two makeshift baskets. With a last glance at her reflection in the mirror, a smile playing on her lips, she opened her cottage door and stepped out into the fresh air.

"Everyone has a wicked side," Hazel heard Tinker Bell murmur from behind her. She turned, offering a reassuring smile to the fairy before setting off towards the gardens.

With practiced ease, she picked the ripest fruits and vegetables from her garden and the cooks' garden, always replacing what she took. The cooks never minded Hazel's visits, as long as she helped with the replenishment of the produce. However, sometimes, Hazel took more than usual but they never questioned her actions.

With the barrier remote securely in her hand, she began her journey to the Isle. Everyone would be too obsessed with the cotillion to notice where she'd be. As she walked, she started humming a melody, "My mother said I'm too romantic."

Her voice echoed around her, soft yet powerful, captivating in a way that was almost as enchanting as a mermaid's song. When she arrived at the barrier, she opened it slightly, just enough to drop the baskets through, before closing it once again. As she turned to leave, a voice joined her song.

A smile spread across her face as she recognized the accent. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her stomach bubbled with an unfamiliar sensation - the pirate was affecting her in ways she couldn't comprehend.

"You look lovely," Harry snickered, his voice carrying across the barrier. Hazel blushed, looking down at her dress.

"The Royal Cotillion is tonight."

"Your date is a lucky man," Harry said, causing Hazel to laugh. "What's so funny, princess?"

"I don't have a date," Hazel admitted, her voice barely audible.

"Why is that?"

"Listen," Hazel began, dodging the question, her voice confident. "I really only came by to drop off the food," Harry knelt down and picked up a strawberry from a basket, his eyes only leaving Hazel to look at the baskets. "And to, uh, thank you."

"Thank me?" Harry took a bite of the strawberry, the juice trickling down his chin.

"You could have chosen to be the villain when you saw that I couldn't swim," Hazel said, a small smile playing on her lips. "But you chose to be a hero."

Harry was at a loss for words. He stared at Hazel, his eyes wide in surprise as he slowly chewed on another berry.

"As a token of my gratitude, if or hopefully whenever you all come to Auradon in the future, I would like to repay you," Hazel said, her voice sincere.

Playing with the tips of her fingers and kicking at the ground lightly, Hazel heard the pirate chuckle. She looked up at him, her eyes meeting his.

"I think you should get to that party, princess," Harry said with a wink. Hazel gave him a small smile before turning to leave. As Harry picked up the baskets, a bright light caught his eye. For a split second, Hazel's golden wings were visible, glowing brightly in the dim light.

Harry was taken aback - Hazel had wings. They were the most mesmerizing thing he had ever seen, apart from Hazel herself.

Arriving at the Cotillion just in time, Hazel took her place next to Evie, Jay, and Carlos. Evie gave Hazel a strange look, pointing towards her back. Hazel's wings were still visible. She quickly made them disappear, turning to the boys who were rubbing their eyes from the golden glare.

"Sorry," She whispered with a sheepish expression.

The sound of horns echoing through the air made Hazel jump. She looked towards the staircase, watching as her future queen, Mal, made her grand entrance in a stunning dress. The crowd gasped in awe and then erupted into cheers. Mal paused to speak with Ben's parents, her expression somber. Despite the grandeur of the event, part of Hazel wished she was back at the Isle.

Evie walked up to Mal, leading her over to Hazel and their friends until Ben made his appearance. Hazel offered Mal a comforting smile, which seemed to alleviate some of Mal's tension.

The king was announced, and Mal slowly made her way to him. He looked at her with a sorrowful expression, whispering, "I wish I had time to explain."

Gasps filled the air again, but it was different from the ones Mal had received. Hazel looked towards the staircase, her eyes filled with hatred.

There stood Uma, Ben's new love interest. They met in the middle of the staircase, Ben bending down to kiss Uma's hand. Hazel clenched her fists, her heart pounding in her chest as the two made their way towards Mal.

"Did you go back for her?" Mal asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

"He didn't have to," Uma replied smugly.

"You went back for her?" Hazel asked, her voice filled with disgust. She felt a betrayal like no other - how could Ben do this to Mal?

Uma was putting on a sweet-girl act, but Hazel wasn't buying it. She knew all too well about Uma's plans to overthrow Ben from his capture.

Ben and Uma began to dance, the attention of everyone in the room in a chokehold. Hazel took this opportunity to pull Mal aside, looking her in the eyes. "We're with you on this," she reassured Mal, leading her back to their friends. "I can't believe we risked our lives for him, only for him to do this."

"Let's get out of here," Jay suggested, leading the group towards the stairs.

As they were about to leave, Hazel overheard Jane talking to Lumiere about a gift Ben had gotten for Mal. She grabbed Mal's wrist, holding her back. "I don't want to stay," Mal admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Just one second," Hazel urged.

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece, designed especially for his lady," Lumiere announced, gesturing towards Mal. Everyone turned to look at a curtain, which fell to reveal a beautiful stained glass portrait of Mal.

Hazel couldn't help but smile. The portrait was breathtakingly beautiful and raw. It was Mal, the true Mal. The Purple Queen.

She turned to Mal, watching as she made her way back down the stairs with Evie. Mal was trying to convince Ben that how he was acting wasn't truly him. That the true Ben sees her and knows her.

Uma began to demand that the portrait be covered back up and the gift Ben had gotten for her be unveiled. "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady," Ben announced, causing a stir among the crowd. His father tried to reason with him, but Ben reacted with hostility. "And as my gift to her, I will be bringing down the barrier once and for all."

Ben demanded the Fairy Godmother bring down the barrier. When she refused, both he and Uma were consumed by rage.

A cold realization washed over Hazel - Ben had been spelled.

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