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Your POV
⚠️abuse warning ⚠️

Billie just left to pick up food and she probably won't be back for another 45 minutes and I was doing fine until I saw a video of my ex on some random ass persons Snapchat story. I don't have feeling for her. No not at all. I'm actually terrified of her. She abused me, both mentally and physically. I was sitting on the couch in billies house we were alone because finneas doesn't live here and her parents went on a date so now I was alone. With memories of my ex flashing back into my head. I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt the tears fall from my face. Then I saw her. My ex. She was punching me for not "pleasing" her. She was drunk. She always made me feel so loved during the day and always apologized and took care of me after she did it. That's why I stayed with her for a whole year.

Billies POV

I walk into the house with some Taco Bell in my hand but when I walk in I see my baby sobbing on my couch. I accidentally slam the door trying to put the food down but it makes her scream like she was getting murdered. I run over to her trying to comfort her but she just keeps screaming "NO!, GET AWAY, or STOP!"
"Baby baby it's billie babygirl what's wrong"
"STOP" she screams
" Y/n are you ok?"
She sobs more
"Lovey calm down I'm her it's ok my love"
She calms down a bit ok so pet names work

Your POV

I snap out of this horrible nightmare thing and see Billie with a worried expression on her face, how did she even get here?
"W-what happened" I say
Her face becomes full of relief and she wraps me in a hug me hugging her back never wanting to let go.
"Baby are you ok?" She asks wiping my tears off my face
"U-uh.. what was I- I doing?" I ask
"I walked in with the food and you were crying and then I accidentally slammed the door and you started to scream things like NO! and STOP GET AWAY!" She said still worried
"shit" I mumble "that's what triggered it"
Billie looked so worried but so confused at the same time I knew I had to tell her about my ex. We have only been dating for about 4 months know and I have never told her I know I should've but I wasn't ready to but now I don't have a choice.
"Can we talk about it after we eat?" I ask
She doesn't even answer she just gets up and brings the food to the couch. We talk about ANYTHING but what had happened earlier which helped me calm down once we finished eating I took a deep breath and said "so-" but got cut off
"You don't have to tell me" she says while picking me up so I'm straddling her "I don't need to know if you don't want me too" she looks straight at me so I know she means it. I give her a passionate kiss before continuing
"I want- no I need to tell you" she just nods
"About 2 years ago I was in a relationship- with a girl and she wasn't nice. Well she was when she wasn't intoxicated, she would always go out and come back drunk or just drink while I was at her house. She wasn't legal either so she wasn't even supposed to be drinking. She started saying things like "your fat" or " I don't even know why I'm with you" or "you're a fucking whore you know that" and it really got to me-" I started to get choked up but Billie just stroked my cheek reassuring me that I could continue

"Shortly after that she started to hit me- a lot. Everyday for- for 6 whole months but I stayed because when she was sober she would apologize and actually act like she loved me and take care of me but I still didn't leave her. And tonight I saw someone's story and she was in it so it triggered those memories so when you slammed the door it just reminded me of- everything I guess" I looked up at bil and she was crying oh no I messed up she's crying. I guess she saw the panic in my face because she looked me dead in the eye kissed me and said
"I will never ever treat you the way she did. I will never let anyone hurt you and I will never EVER let her bitch ass self to come near you ok? I love you with every bone, every muscle, every cell, and every part of my body you deserve this whole world and I will make sure you get just that" she told me making me cry and hug her like I was never going to see her again.

We ended off that eventful night with cuddles and kisses
"Goodnight love" I say
"Goodnight to my world, my everything, my savior" she says making me giggle

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