Bully pt. 2

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Your POV

That week was one of the best weeks of my life. Me and billie hasn't made it official and we didn't tell anyone not even our closest friends because we aren't sure if this is what we really want. Billie left for tour though and I forgot. Here we are 3 months later. Miserable. Again. Kind of. I met another girl guessing Billie doesn't care about me because she hasn't tried to dm me knowing we never exchanged phone numbers. We were in fourth period and I was writing my essay when the door opened, me thinking nothing of it until my teacher Mr. O said
"Ah billie welcome back" my head shot up when I heard her name. The seat next to me was the only other seat open. There were 3 people in each row I was in the middle with my crush next to me on the right and an empty seat next to me. It would probably be her seat. Mr O caught my attention when he said my name "you can sit next to miss
Y/l/n" Billies eyes widened when she saw me. I just went back to my essay. My crush (liana) put a hand on my thigh. We flirted a lot. And I had a feeling she liked me back. I just blushed and looked away suddenly to find billie to the left of me. She showed me a paper that said to explain to her what to do, just my luck. I put my hand over lianas hand which quickly got Billies attention. She seemed... jealous maybe? I thought she couldn't give two fucks about me. Huh? I explained to billie what we were doing and learning about and I heard her mumble "god I missed hearing your voice" and she knew I heard it too.

-time skip to lunch-
Billie sat with her friends which was the table next to me because I moved seats to sit with liana. I got my salad and sat across from liana. We were laughing so much it made me forget billie was even here.

"Ok wait wait wait we have to act out what I saw on Twitter" she said giggling
"Ok" I said smiling like crazy
She took my hand and kissed it "m'lady" she said
"M'lone" I said bowing my head marking her laugh her head off same with me. I felt like someone was watching us and when I looked it was billie. I had excused myself to the bathroom and thank god no one was in there I hate being social. I was peeing when I heard someone walk in. When I walked out of the stall Billie was standing there looking at me, evilish?
"Oh uh hey" I said trying to get past her but she grabbed my arms and pulled me in for a hug.
"Why are you even talking to me Eilish you're the one who stood me up"
"What? You're the one who texted me to never talk to you again!" She replied Wtf is she talking about
"Yea I dm'd you and you replied with, 'don't ever text or talk to me again billie' then left me on read all the time" she said
"When did you dm me?!"
"2 days after I left"
"Shit" I said
" my mother took my phone away for god knows what so she must have texted you that because I didn't have my phone for 2 weeks and she knows my password" I said
"But I saw you with her" Billie said disappointed
"Oh Liana"
"Yea her, I saw the way you look at each other, I thought about you everyday for 3 whole months and I know we weren't even official but I still missed your scent and your lips and your smile-" I cut her off by a sweet passionate kiss. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, part of me always knew I had feelings for her when she was gone I was just too petty to admit it. As I pulled away she looked at me and said
"Can I finally have the girl of my dreams?" I shook my head yes and kissed her cheek walking out of the bathroom before her to not look suspicious.

-time skip to after school-
Me and billie went to my house and we made out on my bed for a good fives minutes (🤭) then cuddled and worked on homework. "Bil" I said a little quietly  she looked at me all lovingly and cute "I like that nickname coming out of your mouth" she said "but yea"
"You're our to your fans right?"
"Can we not tell anyone about us just yet?"
"Of course" she paused "baby"
"I like hearing you call me baby" I said blushing
"Cause you are a baby"
"So are you!" I said
"No I'm the baddest bitch out there watchu mean!"
"Oh really" I said raising my eyebrows
"A duh!"
"Ok" I said getting on top of her so I was straddling her. I put my head into the crook of her neck and looked up at her smiling like a kid in a candy shop then I kissed her cheek making her blush like crazy and she knew that I had proven myself too. That's also how I knew she was whipped for me just as I was for her.

Hey guysss I felt like the first part wasn't enough so here's the second part I love you allllll

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