body guard

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this is a long one so be prepared
Your pov
i'm a body guard for big artists when they perform, i work at this venu in LA that i have to guard big artists. Today we have billie eilish, the bad part about this job besides me being able to get really injured is that i have to protect and be professional in front of my favorite idols and can never act like a fan. I've been a hug fan of billie for over a year and i'm basically going to be right in front of her throughout the whole night. When i say front i mean my back is probably going to be against her front when fans start arriving. And i have a huge celebrity crush on her. But i take my job really seriously, what i do when the artists arrive is me and four of my best friends (who apart of my team) walk to the car they arrived in and make sure they get into the venue safely, after that we only interact with the artists if they need something or help finding something, once fans arrive we have to make sure they stay in the green room, depending on the artist if there is a meet n greet we than escort them to the room and are on high alert at all time. My team makes sure everyone's bag is checked and they have no weapons and things like that. I stay by the artists at all times because i'm the highest working officer besides my boss meaning i have the most training and shit. After the meet n greet there is about another hour of my team and i helping them set up stage and watching the clock. 30 minutes before the show starts my team goes and stands at every exit and entrance too the stage. My FULL team consists of 20 guards scattered around the venue through the whole night. We have walk-e-talkies and headsets we wear to talk to each other ofc. My five best friends Miley,Brandon, Jax, Roselinn, and Andre are the main stage guards. Miley, Roselinn, and Andre are at the front while Jax  and brandon take the two entrances on the side of the stage. I also go upfront with them but if the artist goes into the crowd it's me and andres job to follow. While the rest of the team is scattered through the venue. You would think because i do the same thing every single day you'd get bored but to be honest i love my job. I took training while i was in my sophomore year of highschool but even before than I had knowledge of being a body guard because my mother had the exact same job and taught me everything i know. She's moved on to being a trainer instead of doing the work. But because i knew so much at an early age i got this job a month after i turned 18 and now i'm 20 so i've been moved up a couple times and i still love it.

"15 minutes until arrival l/n" Roselinn told me, meaning billie and her team would be arriving in about 15 minutes. I go and let the boss know what's happening and shit and prepare for arrival.

*time skip*
I don't know why but i'm kind of nervous? But i just shrug it off and walk to the car where i can see billies green roots through the windows. Miley opens the car doors and Billies personal guard steps out and helps with getting billie and her family out. Andre and Jax block the fans while me miley Roselinn and billies body gaurd spread out allowing them to exit the car. First is Billies mom and who is carrying a back pack and a tripod with her phone while she records. Than her dad who helps Finneas and his girlfriend get out. When Finneas steps out the fans start to get a little bit louder than finally my number one job, escorting Billie. I grab Billies hand which makes my face heat up slightly, thankfully the chaos makes people distracted. When she gets out fully I guide her into the venue stopping to say hello once or twice. Once we get to the green room I than introduce myself.
"Ok Well Hello" I say slightly out of breath
"Sorry we couldn't meet properly before but I'm y/n L/n I will be Billie and Finneas's personal guard along with Sully and Roselinn Mandes" I introduced rose and continued talking "I know this is a little different than most venues around the world but I will let you all know the times of soundcheck and when everything is ready, I don't need to escort you anywhere while fans aren't here, so just lmk if you need anything or help finding anything. Once fans do arrive i'm assigned to be with you for the whole night" So if you guys don't need anything I will let you have some time to yourselves before the show" I smiled at them receiving a genuine smile from all of them. "Yo!" I hear billie say before I walk out, I turn around and smile as if asking what she needs
"your name is y/n right?"
"so y/n could you show me where the bathroom is by any chance?" she said standing up i nod my head while telling her to follow me.
Most venues have bathrooms in the green room but this place was built a long time ago so they had things different.
"i know this may be weird but you look very familiar" billie said to me making me stop in my racks but quickly moving again
"do I?" i asked
"yeah yeah you do i just can't point my finger on it" she said "have i met you before?"
"not that i know of" i say chuckling a bit, for some odd reason i feel extremely comfortable with her unlike other celebrities, even the nice ones.
"do you have a twin or instagram or something? because i've seen you before I know it"
"well no i don't have a twin but I do have an instagram but i doubt you've ever seen it i barely post and have like barely any followers. but if you've been in this area before I live like 4 blocks away"
"no way. really?"
"i don't know maybe it'll come to me on where i've seen you" she chuckled blushing a bit 
"well i'm we are here i can stand out here if you need me to escort you back" i asked and she shook her head yes. Her smile is so very contagious it's scary. I wait out here for about 6 minutes until i hear her voice, i'm guessing she was in the phone with someone, Two minutes later and she comes out.
"sorry i took so long mamas" she said making my heart skip a beat (bil is the only person i'll ever allow to call someone mamas because the way she says it makes me 🦋🦋 euiwkwskwl)

"u-uh it's okay" i say blushing
we make our way back to the green room
in silence but she said something before we entered
"i know where i remember you from now"
"where" i say chuckling
"well i'm not gonna tell you it's fun keeping you on your toes" she said as she winked and walked herself into the green room leaving me dumbfounded. I hear my name through the walkie talkie as i follow billie into the green room
it's andre
"yo what's up" i say checking up on the family before closing the door and leaving shooting billie a glance
"meeting on stage"
"got it" i say making my way to the stage.

*time skip*
we have meeting every day someone performs so now it's sound check time so i make my way to billie and finneas once again.
"hellooo" i said walking in "billie and finneas its time for soundcheck" i say while opening the door for them. I lead them to where they need to get mic'd up and ready for soundcheck. A few minutes later i make my way to the seats a few rows back from the stage where i meet up with rose andre miley brandon and jax. We have to be with the artist but we usually sit here and joke around while we make sure everything happens smoothly. The boys ended up having to help her crew with something so it was just me rose and miley. The intro to bad guy starts and she bounces slightly to the beat glancing at me every so often. The girls slowly notice the more i'm looking at her and how she looks at me.
"yo y/n you got a crush or something?" rose said smirking
"huh" i say taking a sip of my water
"why tf you and billie motherfucking eilish looking at eachother like that did something happen in the bathroom" she said waiting for my reaction. when i blush and try and hide my smile they immediately pipe up.
"shut up shut up SHUT up" i say shushing them when i see billie looking at us
"oooooh" miley says "ok girllll get ittt"
"brooo nothing happened it's not that serious" i say trying to get away from their very annoying presence
"mhmm" rose said miley nodding
"ok ok fine SOMETHING did happen BUT it's not what you think" i say turning them
"so than WHAT happened" rose asked
"you're getting you're hopes up-"
"girl if you don't tell us" miley said
"fine fine! she literally just said she knew me from somewhere" i said nonchalantly
"andddd" miley said smirking making me turn away from them. god they know me to well
"anddd she kinda flirted with me BUT she's said in the past she's straight so it might just be my gay ass taking it the wrong way" i said
"well the way she's looking at you makes me think otherwise about that whole straight thing" rose says making me turn my head to look at billie who was indeed staring at me. She turned the second i looked at her while all the good girls go to hell started to play. the girls glanced at eachother than me but before i could say anything i was called on the walkie to go by the stage. i look at the girls confused but they just shrug so I get up and jog down to the pit where i see my boss appear near the bottom of the stage, catching billies attention as she sings wish you were gay.

"L/N" he says
"what's up" i say slightly out of breath
"apparently miss eilish asked you to go into the bathroom into the biggest stall" he says slightly confused
"o-oh okay" i say looking at billie while she's vocalizes to ocean eyes.
I turn and make my way as i feel basically everyone's eyes in me. I shoot billie a glance as she smirks watching my every move, i make my way to the bathroom and wonder what this bitch could possibly be up to. When i enter the biggest stalk there is i see a note out of toilet paper that says bring me to the green room. so i make my way to the green room meeting maggie sitting on the couch. Before i get to say anything she goes over to the table and gives me a note "don't read it until you leave the green room" she says smiling sweetly in a laughing tone
"o-oh ok" i say slightly co fused as to what's happening.
As i step out of the green room i open the paper that says "great you met maggie baird!! now go to what rose likes to call the dungeon" i chuckle knowing it's literally my bosses office. I make my way to my bosses office knock on the door and was met with another note handed to me. He closes the door and leaves me there dumbfounded
"last one i swear (kind of)! now you have to go to side stage where someone will guide you to where you have to go" i sigh making my way to side stage. I have no idea what's happening. I hear billie singing her last song but when i get there, no one in particular is here, so i wait. A minute goes by until the song stops and Finneas gets out of his chair leading billie to me. I'm met face to face with the billie eilish.
"so you got my notes" so says making me nod slowly
"k cool follow me" she says nonchalantly making me shake my head
"wtf is going on" i ask chuckling
"you'll see" she says smirking

okayyy ikkkk it's a cliffhanger but this is has 2000+ words soooo i'm gonna put it into a second part cause i really like it so i promise second part should be out soon!-m

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