Chapter One: Pyro Flame

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Chapter One: Pyro-Flame

Some people believe being a superhero is magnificent and all about glory and justice, how wrong they are. They never realize the never-ending stress, the hurt, the unbearable pain we go through on a daily basis. The powers we have can be described as a gift from the Gods however they could also be seen as a curse from the Devil, for me the jury’s still out. The risks we consequently put on our friends, our family and even people that we don’t even know causes constant frustration and paranoia. I want to be normal; I want to be like you. I wish I never became the man I am, a man who is left emotionally distraught, left as an empty shell. I will always be shadow of my former self.

Love is now impossibility. I cannot be shown loving affection from anyone, not even my friends.  The chance of them receiving harm from the people I battle to protect them from is far too great; it would destroy me, ripping out what is left of my heart and soul. I won’t be able to handle it…not again after losing the person who meant more to me then anyone. It does not matter how much I want it; how much their beauty grabs my attention and tinkers with my mind; I am bound to be alone. I cannot make the same mistake twice. My story is a heartrending one; I won’t give too much away, but I’m obviously still alive and kicking; although for now I remain constrained to this bed, I shouldn’t complain, I’ve been through much worse.

Oh wait, I have forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Jamie Lee, well it was. I’m better known as Pyro-Flame these days and that new identity is the exact reason I find myself confined to this bed. My story can be interpreted in many ways; you will have to decide for yourself. I can now produce fire with a click of my fingers and I tell you; it is no magic trick or illusion! You may ask how did I get such powers? Was I born with them, like Superman? Is it technology, like Ironman? Or is it my genetics, like the X-men? You can think that but you would be wrong. I was a normal teenager celebrating the completion of my AS exams (even though I am likely failed Geography… stupid rivers landforms!).

Before you read my story, you should know it is all fact. These events happened to me. The happiness and the pain, the joy of success and the feeling of despair, the extravagant laughter and the emotional tears. It all began that hideous night; we were out camping next to a reservoir, a beautiful tranquil setting just up the road from Newcastle, my home city, not known for its creation of superheroes and better known of a cheap night out. The night was however far from what anyone could possibly expect, however I’m going take you to the morning of that frightful day...

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