Chapter Six: Feverish Journey

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Chapter 6 Feverish Journey

Bullets exploded from armaments and pierced the surrounding air on course for Scott’s already weak and seemingly defenseless body. The sound echoed around the reservoir. My words to slow could be the reason this, the loss of a friend maybe my best. Then without notice my normal, ordinary friend turned in an invincible, the bullets simply dropped to the ground. Lets just say he looked shinier then the right shoe of the Primeminsiter, so clean, so spotless, in a way so beautiful.

However the great expansion meant the majority of his clothes fell off, good job he was wearing expansive waste boxer’s or this would have been awkward. Scott seemed incredibly taken back at himself, Scott had never seen himself as being special and now he was, more than special and I don’t mean needed. I saw the anger in the eyes of Dan and Scott. It was all too much for them with fear and anger overpowering any normal emotions. Scott had remained in his steal form; he looked magnificent but intimidating unlike his usual skinny self.

Heat had started flourishing round my body, I looked at my hands. They were felt like they were burning from the inside. I closed my eyes and breathed in hoping it would stop. Thoughts ran through my mind had we been gifted with this for a reason?

I looked at Dan and he was obviously in pain he turned around and faced the reservoir and clenched his fists tightly.  The reservoir in a matter of seconds transformed to Ice in seconds. It was phenomenal. The guards and the man in the white suit stood in utter un-amazement; a blank look dominated their faces as if they didn’t care as if they had seen this before, as if this was not unordinary. I shouted at him “who are you really, what is happening to us?”, he smirked, if ignorance is bliss, he must of been the happiest man alive.

The man in the white suit then removed his glasses slowly and cautiously reveling his face allowing us to see his deep blue eyes. He no longer really seemed a figure to be feared; I felt powerful but I knew I could not let it triumph over me to do thing’s I know to be unjust and wrong.

Cory who had remained quiet then said “I think you should let us go before we bring down some serious pain upon you, so move out the way you creepy nerd and let us be on our way, this was meant to happen and you know why so I would step out of our way”.

He said, “I’ll give you one last chance…”

David just laughed and said “I’m busy now can I talk to you later”

White then laughed louder “Ah your definitely marine’s son”

David replied “Last time I checked I’m not a fish”

But then Cory interrupted seriously “David be quiet, your Dad is Marine… I’ll explain later”

I knew then he must of knew more about this than he was letting on but how? I remained silent

Then again the repulsive snigger, “I wouldn’t waster your time Vigor if you stand close enough you can hear the ocean” before shouting d an order to his men “you’re not all made of steal my friend; fire them punks down boys”.

I looked around and noticed Lewis was still gone after her had went to try find Joe and Tommy, practically vanished into fin air. The guards all lifted their machines of death, this was it, I did not want to kill anyone but I would not have to. I hid my face behind my arm like a coward or was I brave, I’m not really sure.

The sounds of necks snapping echoed through the trees. The sound of brains being slowly crushed was the only things shot in my direction. I heard screams of unbearable pain a small peak had me witness one of the guards with a large icicle penetrating his stomach; blood splattering out his mouth like a garden hose; I was discusted, these were not the friends I knew and love. Can so much change with one passing of the moon.

I saw Cory bend a gun in two as if it was a pair of jeans with his bare hands amazingly then pick up the guard and flung him like he was weightless over the trees and far away. As if he had only used a small fraction of his power.

David stood and watched, x-ray wasn’t useful in this scenario however he did not look sickened by our friends revolting action, rather he encouraged it. “

He seemed to be enjoying the onslaught of these guards. Scott in his new magnificent steal form battered one of the guards with a brutal uppercutd spattering intothe van causing significant damage to the van so I don’t know what he felt like. I had to do something; I had to do something now and then, this had to stop.

The guards were dropping like flies. They were all becoming more confident in their powers as well. The deaths as a result were becoming more gruesome and disturbing. Scott actually used his steal fist to compress and crush the skull of one of the defenceless guards, they may have had guns but they were defenceless compared to these guy’s. It was horrid. He was horrid.

In this raw violent place Dan had created a sparkling ice ball and as he pulled back his arm preparing to strike. In that moment life began to slow down like I had control of my destiny like this event was set in time to occur. I raised my arm and it just happened.  A beautiful glowing ball of fire appeared in the palm of my hand; the burning embers shone brightly. It was time to show the guys what my power can. I would not let my power change the person I was or going to become, it was time for the death and suffering to halt in its tracks. I would not use my power for the evil my friends had. I would be a hero. So as Dan went to release his ball of blustering ice my ball of fire intercepted it and deceased the ball into a harmless puddle of splattering water on the ground.

The vbattle paused. Their eyes were set on me like a hawk staring down on its prey. It was if they had turned to statues. A gloomy silence filled the air. The few remaining guards scrambled along with the man in the white suit like cowards leaving me to face them alone. I wondered who he was. All four were in a line and we stood parallel trying to intimidate me. I was very much on my own. Isolated from the group I once loved. A solitary figure.

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