Chapter 5: Loyalty Tinders

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Chapter 5 Loyalty Tinder’s

I was sitting on a hard and rather uncomfortable rock with what Martin had said pinned stuck on my mind like glue. What did it mean? I was thinking so hard my head hurt to be honest. The lads were sitting together under the tree like a group of wounded soldiers, all battered and bruised. Then in a quick spark I felt something weird, it was in my fingers. They tingled and a flame fired out my finger and darted across the reservoir like a shooting star. I froze. I turned to the lads and they all sat staring at me in complete amazement

David said “wow Jamie got fire…not bad but you might need to go in the reservoir to cool off”. I did not know what to say, so I shrugged my shoulders with the little energy. I thought to myself what on earth do we do next, should we just go home and pretend nothing happened? My friends were sat muttering between themselves. I had far to much on my mind, trying to figure out how this had happened, were we God’s, ha-ha no that would have been crazy. How did Martin know though, it all seemed so odd.

I was just about to try and speak to Martin again but then Dan approached me, much recovered from his lifeless state earlier. “wow Jamie this, this is our chance to make something ourselves, no longer anymore of working in that darn factory, doing stupid night shifts”. Me and him had worked in this furniture depot and he really hated it but I guess I never knew how much.

I said “that’s all fine and good Dan but we can’t show everyone our powers that’s far to dangerous we should just act like nothing happened…what’s your power anyway”

He sniggered at my reply “of course we have to our powers can make us kings rather then the rejections of society’s we currently are, are you insane!”

“No I am not insane Dan, you sound like the loopy one! And your power is?” and lie that he walked over to the reservoir picked up some water and chucked it in the air but as it game showing back down it came down as a spear, a spear made of ice.

“Now do you doubt me, nobody will doubt me again Jamie, this is our time, our time to stand up and be counted” he said with the anger bursting out his eyes.

Lewis ran over although I was sure he was sure at the time he looked a bit fast  “calm down Dan, don’t fight among ourselves, where friends”

“Stay out of my way Lewis!” shouted Dan aggressively but as he said that things swung in another direction again. 

 The sound of an aggressive, grueling engine came from nowhere. A big black van appeared with slick steel rims and shaded out windows. It crumpled down the trees like a bulldozer and skidded to a vicious halt. The back doors flung open. Twenty plus men dressed in a venomous back emerged. AK47’s in hand ready to fire, ready to kill. As you can tell, quite intimidating for a teenager whose only experience of guns was supersoakers as a child.

A man appeared, a man in a beautifully crafted white suit stepped out. He looked at us all, he shouted energetically “on your knees hand behind your back now this is the SAS”.  David reacted badly ”you joking pal, who are you because you look like a dressed up hairy, gypsy”. We didn’t think we done much wrong, well not enough for the SAS to be after this.

The man I the white suit stepped forward. The sun glared down from the heavens stroking upon him, as if it was on his side. He wore dark

shaded sunglasses denying us a view of his eyes. His hair was perfect-slicked back and a golden Blonde. He had a memorable smirk, happy in appearance but evil in context. He blared in a very sarcastic and quite touchy tone “Well Good Morning to you to Gentlemen, hope you enjoyed your stay, wait a minute its off limits. Who do you think you are coming here you little uneducated punks”? He give us

The man in the white suit really did have a threatening gaze like a Zebra on crack. It give me butterflies to say the least. He said in captivating manor “lock them up boys”.

Dan replied in great anger “you can try, where no ordinary teenagers, we are all powerful, you should bow to us you moron!” He sniggered again in a confident tone, this all seemed a joke to him, a night at the comedy club apart from in the morning and in a forest, so quite unalike, oops.

“Actually let me think; Shut up you little bar steward, okay you got me where not the SAS where somebody much more powerful!”

Dan seemed vulnerable and angry “bring it you overdressed idiot, I control ice, to my friends I am Dan to you I am Wintero one of the most powerful things in existence” but again he just laughed.

“boy you have no idea how to master your power unlike me, you are feeble to me, just get in the van and end this” he said.

Scott then interrupted being Scott “right guy in a white whatever, I have had a absolutely awful night and have a headache, I don’t need a pain in the bum like you making it any worse so why don’t you go back to doing paperwork in a little office or I’ll kick you to China and back even if I have no power.

“arrogant and full of complaints just like his father, shoot him gentlemen.” But how did he know Scott’s dad. His Dad was a lovely bloke ran a building site but it wouldn’t make sense for him to know such an odd character.

The guards now had there guns fixed on Scott, aimed and ready to fire given the order. I shouted at the top of my voice “no don’t do it, he didn’t mean it, he’s just had a hard night!” but I was too late.

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