Chapter Seven Glaring Argument

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Chapter 7 Glaring Argument

You could of heard the plants grow it was that quiet. Dan’s eyes fixed on me in a ravenous rage, the killing nature still in full flow. He screamed “Jamie what are you doing, they were going to kill us, they deserved to die” Dan said clenching his fists.

I stood tall and held myself saying, “Going to kill me now eh? Daniel this was never the way, this was never what I expected from you… we are meant to be heroes, saving lives not destroying them, you’ve been through so much and I mean so much, why lose yourself now!”

Cory then stepped between us but Dan was like a charging bull and my red flames drove him forward. HE tried to calm it down “Guy’s this may seem hard to understand now but I an explain everything and Jamie I’m sorry you feel that way really but we had to defend ourselves” but I could tell Dan was the Judas of the bunch.

“Ha! Defend ourselves, I enjoyed myself more like come on that taste of the kill is great, the world needs a ruler and that ruler can be us!” shouted Dan. This was unbelievable but on the positive Cory, David and Scott still seemed to have some sense unlike Dan who spoke like a plotting serial killer.

“Are you kidding Dan” there’s being powerful and theirs being insane, you sound more like the Joker then a future leader you idiot.” Said Scott, screaming like a female tennis player.

“For once I must agree with the big head,” added David, I guess it was close to a compromise between the two.  I thought the world was about to blow up, them agreeing could surely only be a sign of the opocerlypse. U s having these powers could actually have caused that the we way we went on.

“You doubt me eh, think you can take me”, producing an icicle in his hand, we all stepped back. Not in fear but worry that we would have to hurt our friend. He added “I thought not, I’m blowing you guys off but try and dare stop me I’ll have your life at the tip of the iceberg!” and that was it he wandered off into the trees with no remorse and then there was four.

I turned my attention to Cory “you knew about this? What was going to happen?”

His wandering eyes told the story “How do you think I found you guys out here pal, I am not satellite navigation system but I’m sorry it had to be done” he said twisting his face

David butted in uninvitingly “well at least we have powers”

Scott added “and yours sucks”. With or without powers they argued the same… unbelievable.  The fact of the matter is I needed some time and space.

“I’m going for a walk guy’s I’ll be back soon”

David added quite inappropriately, “Try not to get lost”

Scott came back and started it all over again “he’s not a moron like you” and as they muttered on and on, I walked away. Looking behind to see Cory’s eyes were full of sorrow, he was sorry for what he had done. I could see it clear as day. Maybe even a tear strolled down his cheek, unusual for such a strong, minded person.

I walked slow but concise with my mind running 100 Mph.  I usually found it hard to think so at least there was one positive on this nightmare of a morning, if it was morning I had no idea.  It got more and more peaceful as I got a way from that dreaded reservoir, I never wanted too turn back but I knew sometime I would. The bird sung as if there was no earthquake, as if there was no death, stupid little creatures really or was I the stupid one, was I mad?

Then another tingling, this time in my back I reached around and pulled out a dart “oh cra….” And I was flat out”. My friends thinking I had left them. I was about to start my own journey… my vision blurred as the knockout poison circulated my veins.

Supreme Team 1, Second Edition, editWhere stories live. Discover now