Chapter Three Scorching Pain

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Chapter 3 Scorching Pain

Time has passed and my mates had finished their somewhat smashing drinking game. We were gathered round the roaring fire getting as close as we could without setting a light, absorbing every little last particle of heat. Then a sudden rustling in the bushes, a figure appeared. I thought we should scarper but I would have been wrong as they’re stood the last of my friends who were there that night Cory. There is fashionably late and just plain ridiculous.

Lewis stood up and shouted “OIOI Coza where have you been?”

He laughed “ha-ha how much have you given that critter to drink and sorry guys I was at work”. Cory worked at Boots, not the best place to And again I had to put out the fuse between those two by adding “whoa calm down their lads, lets concentrate on introducing our pal to the party…get the man a beer”, I walked over to the ice-bucket and opened it and found it was lacking any sort of contents at all…no surprise their then.

Then without warning our peaceful night was hijacked quite rudely for a second time. This times not a friendly face but a blinding, beaming light. Before you could click your fingers everybody was running as if they were running from flowing magma. I stood like a statue and stared into the light, two figures, one I was sure I recognized but it couldn’t have been. As they began to appear Martin grabbed me “Run Jamie you idiot”.

We were off running through the trees yet the light continued to get brighter and brighter. My heart pumped faster and faster even more so then when we had to laps in gym class, I had always concentrated more muscle work, that’s what girls cared about!

We however soon had to rifle up the gears, as we not only felt the light upon our back but the sound of people approaching us. At the time we thought it must have been park keepers. Martin and I had seemingly caught up being only meters behind. Cory was out in front smashing through the tree’s and bushes like a bulldozer with his great pace and strength. I had not known Cory as long as some of the others but we had really bonded, he was not as tall as some of us but he was as strong an ox. His hair also to the brushed perfectly left with brown and blonde highlights. He also had a broken nose however this did not decrease his charm but seemed only to increase. He is a wonderful, genuine guy yet still a bit too fast for my liking.

I was still lagging towards the back after not starting in pole position; I was fascinated to see whom it was; either way this was we darting towards destiny. I didn’t have a clue who or what it was we heard but they sounded like they were arguing as I heard a voice exclaiming “never!” We were edging closer and closer to the shoreline of the humungous reservoir. Surrounded by tall tree’s that swayed violently in the wind. The last steps of a distant past. Then behind us an explosion of bright fire and ash rained upon our heads, the sound was unbelievable. What on heaven and Earth was going on, everything seemed totally surreal. We all stood in amazement. Scott then said “I knew this was a bad idea”

Dan looked at him, eyes wide; fists clenched “not the time Scott”

The adrenaline was already in full circuit; pumping through our veins. Would we try to swim to the other side? Would we stop in our tracks? I wasn’t really sure, it was already cold but the events happening behind us sounded like World War Three.  The water looked a safer bet.

Cory was first to hit the water with an almighty splash to be followed by the rest of us close behind Martin was at the back still but that was him always investigative type; probably had a great future a head. We were all quite comfortable swimmers apart from Tommy who was struggling; he often got a lot of grief but he was a lovely guy the kind of one I wish I could have have on my side. He was skinny however tall, strong minded and strong willed…I miss him so much.

We were nearly half way across the gigantic reservoir; seemed like a bad idea now. My arms were beginning to tire, the element of drink setting in I’d say. We were swimming against a strong current fueled by an unmerciful wind. Then all of sudden Cory disappeared under the water with a massive crash! This caused panic.  Joe shouting “holy shit we need to save him!” but before he even finished his sentence. I saw people sucked down one by one Joe, David, Scott; they were all disappearing like they had been knocked out stone cold. I felt a pounding in my stomach like Muhammad Ali was constantly hooking me.  I went to scream out in pain but before I could I was sucked under water. It felt like I was falling into a never-ending pit; my head ached due to an intense buzzing sound, I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears and begged god for mercy before blanking out, what happened next was a mystery.

Scott added “probably not David” 

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