Joe's Monologue Part 1

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Joes Monologue Part 1

This was crazy, what on earth had happened. I was just sitting with the boys; everything changed. I don’t know where I am. Where are my friends? Are they okay? My vision was blurred and I had a fucking stomping headache. I could see flashing lights; was it the police, ambulance. I really fancied a cheese and ham toasty. I was absolutely starving. I tried to get up but my legs were killing divna what off like. I had not had a football match or anything. I though some dick must of spiked my drink with drugs. Bastards, more then just a prank this!

I heard someone go “Oi lady you alright mate” in like a weird cross between the American and Australian accent. It was canny weird.  My Nike joggers were ripped; they were new as well for fuck sake.  I managed to mumble some sort of response saying I was not very good at all.  He had a strong grip and he managed to pull me to my feet but like I was still in a lot of pain. He seemed all right like so when he went do you want to come back to the hotel; ring your parents I replied way aye man. He did not get what was saying. I think he was as confused as I am right now. It’s all a blur from sitting round the campfire singing some of our wicked tunes.

In England but I must have been. Then a yellow taxi went by, like the ones you see in America, Yana there in all the films.  He then told me he knew a nice stripper who would look after me called Amazing Amaz. Sound dirty doesn’t it but nah I think he only meant to stay with.  I could not think of many stripper places in Newcastle. This seamt way to strange did I have amnesia crossed my mind but was wearing the exact threads I remember from that night. It was my black and blue adidas tracksuit with my red and white converse.

Then it came back to me the flashing light that cold reservoir. I had always been a pretty crap swimmer like.  Wait. I remember screams. Where was I though? I needed to find out if they were all right? This guy seemed canny camp but at least he was willing to help me. Then I saw it and my mind was blown what had happened.

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