Chapter Four: Sparks Change

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Chapter 4: Sparks Change

When I came around I had no idea where I was. The sun beamed brightly, it was morning but how. Pain was throbbing through every inch of my body. My vision hampered, everything appeared blurred.  I could hear waves of water crashing the shore; what had happened? Was it a dream? Am I mad?

You don’t get waves in a reservoir! Had I dreamt the whole event? I gripped the ground to try and drag myself to my feet with the little fuel I had in the tank. When I did manage to get up… I fell back down again as my knees give up on me. Think of your worst hangover and times it by a million.  The heat was unbearable it felt like my skin had been set alight like I was burning from the inside.

I could hear screams of pain “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I did not know who it was, I twisted and turned to try and find the person yet it was no good.  I needed to help them yet I couldn’t due to the unbearable pain I was in myself. I rolled over and over again, burying my head into the ground like an Ostrich trying to rid myself of this hideous pain. I felt like I was being dragged to hell then back to reality again and again.

I then heard another devilish cry but I could knew who it was this time as it was defiantly not the first time I heard him complaining; my dear friend Scott. He screamed “what the hell”… although it was probably for a fair enough reason this time round. I heard Cory squeal; what was happening? Was acid burning us alive?  I could feel it on the inside. Pounding me repeatedly.

I heard a worried voice shout “Jesus wept, what happened here” in a intense tone. It was a local fisherman who always used this off limits part of the reservoir for its great amount of Trout which lived there/ the reason most thought for the warning signs saying keep out were there.  We were unfortunately mistaken.

 In the corner of my eye I saw Cory scrambled to his feet but when he fell it came with a dramatic effect. His legs like mine could not take the weight but the new power put upon him caused a more significant damage, he had became a literally a human bulldozer.

Super Strength, his muscles had tripled in size compared to before making him look like a Greek God however his inability to control it caused problems from the off. As he went to put his hands down to catch himself from landing face first in the mud, a great deal of his power was transferred from himself to the ground having a devastating affect. This caused a massive tremor of an extended magnitude; the ground shook violently and the sound of surrounding trees crashing, water pounding filled my ears.  It was as if I was trapped in my worst nightmare with my life caving in all around me.

I was still in an extravagant amount of pain. The ground was even still trembling. I needed to get up; I needed to begin to figure out what had went down but that was easier said than done.

 I then felt the screams of Scott batter my eardrum” Jamie, Jamie please get up I need help! There was a great sense of worry in his voice. The pain was beginning to retreat to some extent and I felt a great deal of power which I had never before felt. A tingling flowing from my heart through to my veins, it was wonderful as if I was high or in other words what I imagined high would be like.

I was finally up, told you I’m not a morning person. I looked around to see total destruction. The earthquake had decimated the once beautiful tranquil forest. Cory caused it; I knew he looked strong but nothing of this extent. I saw Lewis and Dan mangled on the floor like a dead corpses. I rushed over with a hazardous limp and checked their pulses, they were still alive…just.

David was up but he looked confused; he had lost his glasses.  He said guys”I’ve lsot my glasses but I can.. I can , I can see…perfectly”. I thought he was joking a replied.

“This is no time for jokes David, it’s like a bombs been dropped on us here , get it together” he said

“I’m not joking and wowza put some clothes on Jamie you’ll scare the insects away”

“but I’m wearing clothes David” I said in a confused manner”

He said “eh but, oh yes…oh my I have some sort x-ray vision, no girl is save from the Davenator now like”

“No time’s for Jokes this is really weird stuff man… where on earth is Tom and Joe!”

He said “Who put a pin in your balloon but okay I’ll try find them now” and he scurried off looking for them.

Martin was sitting under a humungous red wood tree, one that luckily had not fell over but in some weird way it was if he knew it wouldn’t. I had a gut feeling there was something not quite right though in an instance and not just because everybody was pretty beat up. He looked as if he had gone mad with his eyes set straight ahead and face white like a ghost. He looked blank. He looked empty as if the Martin I knew was gone. I tried to talk to him “ Martin what’s up, you keeping it together?” His head tilted slowly and he looked me right in the eye. It felt as if he was not human but machine. He spoke but his voice had changed, it lacked feeling and emotion. “Chemicals have penetrated our strands of DNA and changed all of out cellular structure; we will never be the ordinary people again”. My heart sunk. 

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