Chapter 1: I Know What You Did Last Summer

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"Did you hear that Gemma T. Leslie is gonna be on set today?" Penny says, barging into Simon's work trailer and taking a seat on his couch, unbothered by Simon being halfway through a workout and very much naked from his waist up. 

"Woah, Penny, ever heard of knocking?" Simon says scrambling for breath. Grabbing the TV remote he turns off the workout program he was following along to and takes a seat next to Penny on the -not so comfortable- couch in his work trailer.

"Yea yea, the producers have me on this strict workout plan so when I don't have time to work out at home I have to do it at work." He complains, wavering the weird look Penny had been giving him since she walked in.

She puts her hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, I wasn't gonna say anything." She teases, Simon chuckles and gets up to grab a cold water bottle from the mini-fridge in his kitchen.

"You thirsty?" Simon offers her a water bottle. She shakes her head so he puts it back and grabs a paper towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead with.

"They have me on this fad diet, too. I can't eat any pasta," she huffs, "Do you know how difficult that is for me?" She pouts her lips in a fake sob.

"And you're listening to them?" He says sitting beside her on the couch once again.

"Nah, I'll eat what I wanna eat. Just thought I'd mention it since you were complaining about your health plan." She gives him a shit-eating grin. He rolls his eyes playfully and opens his water bottle to have a drink.

"Gemma T. Leslie is going to be on set today?" Simon says remembering the reason Penny walked in earlier.

"Oh yea, I was talking to Davy, the director, and he was making sure everyone was on their 'Best Behavior,'" she says mocking his voice in a low scrawl.

"Well it is her books, after all, I wouldn't want to get fired for being rude to her."

"Let's just hope Davey doesn't get all snappy at us for the day." She says, playing with the string on the sweater she's wearing. Penny is quite pretty, Simon thinks, and if he didn't know any better he'd probably be dating her for real right now. They've been set up in a PR relationship for the press of it all, but they're too good of friends to want to actually date. They immediately clicked when they first met on set four years ago and have been best friends since.

Simon was actually shocked he got the part when he first auditioned, his introductions to the director and producers went horrible. Maybe someone saw a spark of hope in him and thought to give him the part. Or no one else auditioned and Simon hit the jackpot when the show went viral worldwide.

Though, without the support of the incredible fanbase of Carry On, he probably wouldn't be the hit sensation he is today. He came into this job thinking it would be another indie show that would get canceled after one season.

Boy was he wrong.

Four seasons in and he was already a household name "Simon Snow" up in lights. Girls (and boys) fawning over him. Paparazzi chasing after him to get just a few photos. (Quite annoying actually) The transition from being a nobody, to being world-famous was quite rocky. Luckily he had Penny to pull him down to earth, or he'd probably be face first in a pile of cocaine right now.

"Calling all A-day actors to set for scene 1-b" Simon hears over the loudspeakers in his trailer. They were a mandatory addition to his trailer when he got it. If it was his choice, he'd take out the speakers but Davy insisted.

"Looks like that's me!" Simon announces, springing off the couch and waving goodbye to Penny.

"I'll be here when you get back," She yawns, "You're bed is comfier than mine so I'm gonna take a nap."

"Jerk." He mumbles playfully as he walks out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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