chapter 10: like aunt, like nephew

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they finally arrived to the the hospital, the nurse takes them to Doctor Weston who is a humanoid mouse. "hello, i'm Doctor Weston." Doctor Weston greeted. "i'm Reyla and this is my family and friends." Reyla replied. he takes a look on Adrienne's leg and added the ointment they where looking for. "how did this happen?." Doctor Weston asked. "a Howler." Trellis replied. "Howlers are very dangerous creatures, she's lucky that she didn't encountered a Arachnopod. their sting are poisonous." said Doctor Weston.


i patted on Trellis head gently to get his attention. he knew what i was going to do so he gently putted me down and i walked towards Adrienne's leg where the doctor added the ointment. i placed my two hands on the leg and closed my eyes and started to heal her wound. i opened my eyes and the huge scar was gone.


"wow!, you did it, Ori!." i said to Ori who was happy. "good job, girl." said Lj. "i see you're getting along with the girl and her family very well, Sunset Shimmer." said a male fox who is sitting on the window's edge. "nice to see you dropping by, Redbeard." Sunset Shimmer replied, apparently it seems they know each other.

"who are you, exactly?." Lj asked. "i'm Leon Redbeard." Leon replied and jumped down to the floor. "what do you want?." i asked. "i only ask that you allow me and Sunset to travel with you and fight by your side." Leon replied. "you mean we are going to fight some bad guys?. can't wait to tell this to Violet." said Adrienne who is getting on her feet. "do you have any idea what you're up against?." Leon asked. "i do, we're fighting against the elf King, Siddiq." i spoke up.


"Doctor Weston, send all your patients and staff to the escape route now. said Sunset Shimmer to Doctor Weston. "everyone?." Doctor Weston replied. "wait, why are we taking the patients with us?." asked Miskit. "because the elves are already here." replied Leon.

then... BOOM!. "what was that?." Doctor Weston asked worried. "we have to leave. now." said Sunset Shimmer. Doctor Weston lead eveyone in the escape route. "Lj, Louis, Adrienne and Morrie. you guys need to get back to Violet and Luger at Charnon house, we take care of the elves so they don't follow you." said Reyla. 

"no! i wanna help!." said Lj. "Lj i need you to protect them, just in case." Reyla replied to her nephew. "okay, i'll do it." said Lj and went off in the train with the others. "do you really put so much trust in him?." Trellis asked. "yes, he has magical abilities, just like me." Reyla replied. "well, having two kids with powers is better than one." said Trellis.

"i hope they get through okay." said James. "they will. it's us six i'm worried about." said Leon. "us seven." said Miskit. 


"are you crazy?!. you're going to get yourself killed!." said Leon to Miskit. "my master, Lee Everett built me to protect and guide his Granddaughter, Reyla, so don't think you can get rid of me easily." Miskit replied. it seems like these two aren't getting along, but i hope they will in the future, but only time will tell.

"how did you manage to get off the train in time?." asked Reyla. "actually, i just stood here." Miskit replied. it was silent for five seconds. "oh." i spoke up.

the elves shoot the cannon again, we ran in the sewer and climbed up to the surface by the ladder.


Leon poke around the corner and saw elves wandering on the streets. "the elves took over the streets." he said. "what do we do now?." asked James. "we take the high road." replied Leon. he jumped from wall to wall all the way up to the roof. "what are you waiting for?." yelled Leon to the others so they could hear him. Miskit and Ori ride on Sunset Shimmer's back and she uses her magic and flew up to the roof. Reyla transforms herself into a leopard, Trellis and James ride on her back and she climbed up to the roof with the help of her claws. "very good!. now try and keep up with us!." said Leon as he and Sunset Shimmer ran jumped to a another roof. "he has to be joking." said Miskit worried for their next jump.

they jumped from roof to roof, until three elf assassins shows up and attacks them. "just keep moving!." said Leon. Sunset Shimmer, Leon, Trellis, Reyla and Ori fought the elves while Miskit and James where in a safe distant.


as we fought, i notice a bird flying towards us, then transformed into a boy. it was Lj. "leave my aunt alone!." said Lj as he uses his power against the elf, resulting in the elf flying all the down to the market unharmed. the other two elves where shocked and ran off.

"everyone are in the house, so i came back to find you." said Lj to me. "you did good, Lj." i replied to him. "Reyla?, is Lee Everett your Grandfather?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "yeah, Lee was my Grandfather, but he died for 9 years ago." i replied to Sunset.

"that means that you're Hali's great, great, great- granddaughter." said Sunset Shimmer. "Hali?" i asked confused."Hali was the protector of the forest of Nibel. she died the day you where born." said Miskit to me. "i have spent my entire life preparing for this moment. when i was a filly, the council of friendship told me i would meet you." said Sunset Shimmer. " with Hali gone, no one can defeat Siddiq and end his reign. and now you have taken her place." said Leon.

and so we walked back to Charnon house and continued our journey.

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