chapter 19: the ending of the end

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the Luna Moth crew arrived to Gulfen with the resistance not so far behind. "do you know if there's a secret entrance?" asked Reyla to Trellis. "there is, but it's blocked by the guards." replied Trellis. "we're going to need an distraction for this, but who's going to do it?" said Morrie. "leave that to us three." said James as he looked at Miskit and Cogsley who was confused at first but understod what he meant. James, Miskit and Cogsley distracted the elf guards with a dance-off while Reyla and the others sneaked in the secret entrance. "this entrance leads to the throne room." explained Trellis. they could hear Siddiq talking in the throne room but who was he talking to? but Reyla knows who he's talking to, Lj. Trellis opened the door carefully and grabbed Logi by the arm. "Logi it's us, Luger and Trellis." said Trellis and Logi was shocked to see that Gallum's sons are still alive. "Luger? Trellis? you're both alive. but how?" asked Logi. "that's a long story." replied Luger.

"think about it, Lj. if you join me, i'll make you a prince and the future king." said Siddiq to Lj. "i'll never do that! Reyla and the others will come and save me." said Lj to Siddiq. "actually, we're already here." said Minerva. Siddiq was shocked to see Reyla and her gang, including her whole family and Logi confronting him. "aunt Reyla!" shouted Lj and ran to Reyla and hugged her. "hello there, Clementine. i almost didn't recognize you or Luke." said Siddiq. "i haven't been here since you took over." replied Clementine. then the guards showed up and surronded the crew. "if you stop this now, Reyla Everett, i'll consider making you a princess!" said Siddiq in a attempt to make Reyla join him. "i'll never join you!" said Reyla. "very well then, guards attack-" said Siddiq but was cut off when a Howler bursted in and roared. "did someone ordered the cavalry's?" asked James who along with Miskit and Cogsley are riding on the Howler. "James! Miskit! Cogsley! you guys made it!" shouted Lj with joy. the resistance and even the council of friendship joins in as well. "how did you even get the Howler here?" asked Theodore. "after we distracted the guards, they started to chase us and..." said James but was cut off by Cogsley. "no time for explanation!" said Cogsley. "you brought an entire army just to save the boy?" asked Siddiq. "we're not here just to save Lj, we're here to end your reign once and for all." said Reyla and the battle began. 

during the battle, Trellis and Siddiq fought against each others with swords. "i should've have killed you and Luger off first before i killed your father!" said Siddiq, unknowing that some of the elves were overhearing this.


while we fought against the elves, i lost my charm during the battle. the charm was laying on the floor in front of me so i ran to it. but i stopped when i saw Siddiq throws Trellis to the ground. Siddiq used his feet to keep Trellis on the ground and raise his sword, he was going to kill Trellis. even though the charm was a gift from grandpa and the only thing i have of him, i know that friends is more important than a necklace, so i ran to save Trellis. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" i yelled as i jumped on Siddiq's back, he was struggling to get me off his back as Trellis got free from Siddiq's grasp. but Siddiq manage to grab me and throwed me away, resulting sliding all the way to the edge. the floor was slippery but i hold on for my dear life and everyone stopped fighting. Siddiq approached to me with a evil smile.

"now this looks familiar, where have i seen this before?" Siddiq said with a sneer. "oh yes! that's the same fear you had in your eyes when your grandfather died." said Siddiq with a evil smile. "how does he know that?" i though to myself, unless...


"Grandpa Lee?..." i called out to him.

"it's okay, Rey. it's..." said Lee until he got stabbed from behind. he coughing out blood and his lifeless body fell to the ground. i saw a glimpse of how the person that killed my grandfather looked like. it wasn't a hunter who did it. it was Siddiq.



i realised that it wasn't a hunter that killed Lee, it was Siddiq. it was him all along. i used my magic to push him away and i used all of my strength to climb up. "how could you!? Hali, my grandfather Lee and king Gallum were your friends! and you killed them!" i shouted out and everyone gasped and were shocked. "don't listen to that child! she doesn't know what she's talking about!" said Siddiq. "Siddiq, you were the one who told us that Lee died." said one of the elf soldier. "yes, it's true." replied Siddiq. "then how did you saw the fear in her eyes then?!" said the elf soldier and everyone realises that Siddiq have lied to them the whole time.

"you ruined everything!" shouted Siddiq as he swoung his sword towards me but i grabbed the sword by the blade while using magic so i wouldn't get hurt, and Siddiq was shocked by this. i throwed his sword away from him and used my magic so he blasts away and the Howler catched him. "good boy." said James. "what are we gonna do with him?" asked Paige. "he'll be send to Canterlot prison until we can figure out what to do with him." said Twilight.

Fluttershy signalise to the Howler and walked away with Siddiq in it's grasp and everyone cheered in victory.

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