Hologram-pic in two

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Louisa's p.o.v

I got done singing, but notice Splinter fighting air....... I shake my head and look at Leo for any sign of movement, he twitched a little. Donnie stands next to me looking concerned for his brother "he went to his body, we're just waiting on him." I smile and watch as Master Splinter still is fighting nothing "Master Splinter, thanks for the help." He looks at me with a smile and says "it's no problem my Ko" I start thinking on that "huh?" I ask. He smiles and says "it's Japanese young one, ask one of the boys..... you can also ask April or Karai."

I nod in understanding and look at Raph "hey Raph, what does Ko mean in Japanese?" He raises an eyebrow at me "Nihongo Hanramasu?" I look at him confused. "Well that answers that question, it means either little or child, depends on how it got used. Why?" I smile and say "I'll explain later, look!" I point at Leo who sat up while gasping for air. I smile big as a tear leaves my eye "Leo!" I say and was the first to hug him, Mikey came next. Again, we started a group hug...... except Phae just watched us hug Leo, who knows why she didn't join.

"Ummm, guys... did you forget about the whole 'two new friends stuck in this dimension'?? Louisa and I need to get home." I look at Phae, she's serious about this... "well, maybe we should turn you into a human first. In case the traveling doesn't change you back, then we can figure out a way to get the both of you home." I look at Donnie, does he really want the both of us gone?? 'I thought he would at least want me to stay. He wants me gone?? I guess he doesn't like me as much as I like him' we all separated from the hug.

I look down at the floor deep in thought......

No one's p.o.v

Leo looked at Louisa, about to say something, but Raph suggest pizza in celebration for Leo waking up, so they carried him out as Louisa followed. No one really noticed Louisa not talking as much, but at one point Mikey started asking Phae and Louisa questions about their world.

"What's it like in your world?"

"Are we in your world somehow??"

"Is pizza as good as it is here?!"

"Tell me!!!!"

Mikey shook Phae a little at that last part, so she pushed him away "well people can physically turn into mutants like this, but it's like a living he-" "there is a innocent mind here. I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you" Raph says as he covers Mikeys ears. Some people laughed, while others just stayed quiet, Leo just kept on noticing Louisa staying quiet. Phae shrugs her shoulders saying "okay then, life in our dimension can be fun, sometimes it can't. What would you say Louisa?" Phae looks at her best friend, wondering what she thinks.

"Louisa?" Donnie asked about to just tap her shoulder, but Phae just yelled "LOUISA!!" Making the brunette jump and look at the mutant tiger. "Yeah?" Louisa asked kinda annoyed "how would you describe our dimension?" Phae asked again. Louisa started thinking "well, pizza there is no where as good as it is here, and.... that's it." Karai looked at Louisa "that's it? You can't think of anything else to say about your dimension?" Louisa shook her head. "Well nothing that sounds nice anyway, I hate our dimension-" "wait, what?" Phae and Casey asked in unison.

All eyes were on Louisa "in my house almost everyone argues, and I can't think of that many good times at my house. So that's not the best, at the school me and Phi Phi went to, almost everyone caused drama. I have to wake up at five in the morning just to ride the bus to get to school on time, and I get to see none of my friends." Phae looked at Louisa and asked "wait, you already went to highschool??" Louisa nodded her head. "I hate it, it's worse than the school we used to be at if you ask me!" Donnie was about to comfort her, but Leo beat him to it.

"It's okay Louisa-" "it really isn't, that's why I wished to be here instead of my dimension, I have no idea why Phae is here, she never even knew about this place." Phae looked at Louisa confused "did I do something wrong?" Louisa shakes her head. "No, but I don't want to go back, it's so...... not worth it" Phae just walked all the way to the dojo. No one questioned her, but Raph followed the tiger, in case she gets close to breaking things. Leo has his arm wrapped around Louisa, rubbing one of her shoulders, and is comforting her as best her could.

Louisa sighed and put her head on Leos shoulder as he continued, Donnie was glaring at Leo as this was happening, Casey was the only one who noticed though. "I-I-I don't want to leave here" Louisa said, on the verge of tears, but Donnie says "you don't." Everyone looked at him surprised "I know that Leo would've wanted me to let you go. You know for you to go back to your family, but it sounds like you don't even like them that much. Just stay here!" Mikey looks at him and says "no, there's still some people who care about her. Louisa, what about Daede?"

Everyone except Louisa looked at Mikey curious, well Leo and Donnie looked at Mikey curiously, but they also looked at her with a mix between hurt/jealous. "Mikey, how do you know Daede?" Louisa asked confused "you mumbled the name in your sleep." "Well, he used to be my crush, but he made fun of you guys, and called me a child!" "It sounds like you though. Doesn't it?" Louisa glared at Casey for that "I only act like one to make other people, and myself, happy. Even then not everyone is happy with me!" April felt bad now, so she asks "well, what if we just teach them a lesson?"

When April asked that, she made her eyes turn white with her blue aura that surrounds her, everyone was surprised about April saying that. "Did she just...... be nice?" Karai asked, Louisa's hologram-pic showed up again from this. The whole thing just broke in two, and dispersed once again.......

"Does that mean we won't have to worry about her turning against us?" "Casey!" "It was just a question......."


Okay, that should be it, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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