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  Its been two weeks and Will is finally getting to come home. Sadly we only have three days alone together because we start school. Its been hectic but I finally got to take my drivers test and I passed. So yeah I can drive now, not that I care.

  Will is getting signed out right now then I am gonna drive him and his mom home. I'm supper nervous, I don't usually drive with people.


   "Hey" Will says to me as he walks out to meet me.

    "Hey,  you feeling good enough to go home huh? " I ask him smiling.

    "Paid the instructor to let you pass huh?" he says back joking.

    "Yeah,  and your mom" I tell him.

   He just rolls his eyes. I smile at him for a while, going into my own little Will lalaland. That is until he comes up snapping my fingers in my face.

   "Hey snap out of it" Will says impatiently.

  "Sorry" I say recovering.

  "lets go" he says with his cocky smile.

We head out the door and to my new car I saved up for. He gets in and so do I, I start up my car and we drive. The drive went painfully slow since neither of us said anything. We arrive outside his house and he gets out. I drive home exhausted. I decided to call it a early night so I got all my meds and went up to my room then went to sleep.

                  3 days later

"Get up! " Will says loud in my ear,  I just groan and roll over knowing we have school.

  "Get your pretty butt up before I poor cold water on you" He says whispering huskily in my ear.

Well that sure got me up. I raced out of the room and took a shower. Since that took to long I had no time to eat so I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth.

"I'm  ready" I say walking down the stairs.

  "Bout time" Will says smiling.

   "Haha" I say as I nudge him with my elbow.

    "lets go and uh yeah by the way today we take my car" he says to me going out the front door.

     I walk out and there he is in his freaking obviously new electric blue sports car. This corvette was beautiful.

   I run down the front stairs and to the car. I just stare in awe at this beauty.

   "Get in oh and wipe the drool off your mouth" Will teases.

   "Nice ride" I say as I get in.

   "I know, uh also we have the same classes I took everything you did" he says grinning.

   "Lost puppy?" I tease. In response he gives me a bark and I can't help but laugh.

He drives and we pull up to school. As we walk in people are glaring at me and as always laughing at me,  but then they see Will and start to flirt. I got supper mad. Will notices everything and then stops me to talk.

  "Don't listen to them" he says looking me in the eye with his hands on my shoulders.

   "Like this every year,  I'm used to it" I say looking away.

   He just nods and we walk into our first class the one I hate the most math. I sit down and he sits beside me. Then a guy who always makes fun of me sits behind me and a girl who always make fun of me in front.

"Hey failure, hows it going" Frank the guy who always makes fun of me taunts.

  "Still single? Well how bout that hot mess beside you, he's to hot to be giving you a ride" Clarie The girl in front sneers. I can tell Will is trying not to snap.

  "Yeah, to bad your to ugly for him" Frank laughs.

   "Thats enough! Leave her alone!" Snaps Will.

   "Why? Because she is to ugly for you?" Frank says and the whole room is laughing at me.

   "Thats it!" Jumps Will.

Will takes me by the hand and to the front of the class. He just smiles a Cocky grin then takes my face inbetween his hands, and he kisses me. I blushed like you would not believe. Everyone stares in shock and most of the girls sneer. Me and Will move back to our seats before the teacher comes in.

  "Wow" I say blushing to Will.

He just turns and smiles. The rest of the  day was pretty much a blur. Then finally in our last class the bell rings and we all head out of the school.

  "You ready" Will says opening the car door for me.

   "Yes" I say as my cheeks grow redder.

   "Good because I asked your mom and she said it was fine,  me and you are going to the lake" he final gets out.

I just shook my head yes. But inside I was screaming YES!!! I was excited. I knew though I wasn't that pretty and I didn't deserve Will.

We pulls up at the lake and we both get out. I want to run so I take off. I run and feel the wind brush against my face. I run faster and my heart beat increases. Finally I stop and wait for Will to catch up.

  "Sit down " He gestures towards the bench. I sit down and so does he.

  "Yes? " I ask, because he looks really nervous.

  "Okay so hear me out" He says.

  "Alright " I say getting a little scared.

  "I really like you. And not just as a sister type or best friends type, although you are my best friend. I kissed you today to show those kids that your amazing but also because I wanted to. I want you to be mine. I don't know how much life I have left but I want you to be mine for the rest of my forever. Will you be mine? because I'm in love with you" Will says to me taking my hands in his.

  "I will be yours forever, because I love you too " I tell him with tears in my eyes. Then he grabs me and holds me tight, and for once I feel safe, protected, and loved.

Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, please don't hate me. I'm going to update all my other books to. Ily all


               ~steph ❤

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